Welcome to Hell (Part 2)

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Disclaimer: This story isn't mine at all, it is originally Hans50's and Rick Riordan too.

Third Person's POV

For years, Kronos tortured Percy, slicing every part of his flesh again and again with his soul-reaping scythe. The pain from the scythe made Percy's life, memories, essence, and soul feel like it was slowly draining away and caused him to go to the brink of insanity. But always at the last second, Kronos would stop; he didn't want to give the son of Poseidon any relief he would find in Insanity's embrace. He tortured the son of Poseidon in many other ways from piercing his flesh with swords and arrowheads, to burning him with white-hot lashes across his back. He found out about Percy's phobia of drowning in the muskeg and capitalized on that by at the end of every day, he would fill a tank full of the water mud, and earth and plunged Percy's head into the tank holding it under while he thrashed trying to breathe. Only when he passed out would Kronos pull him from the tank.

The Tank, as Percy called it, and the Scythe became his most hated punishments.

On the last day of what was around the 75th year, Kronos entered carrying a small black knife with red trimming around the blade. Percy lay in a heap on the floor in a pool of dried blood. It's a spot he hasn't left in five years.

"How are you doing today, grandson? Don't get up." He laughed a laugh full of mirth as if he made the best joke in the world. Percy didn't even stir.

"Now, unfortunately, today is our last day together." Kronos said in a saddened tone as if it pained him to let his best punching bag go. It probably did.

Percy's head slowly lifted from the floor his once-vibrant sea-green eyes, now a dull green, showing shock, surprise, and maybe just a sliver of hope.

"Oh no no no, don't think you're leaving this place, that the Olympians are coming down here to release you from your fate." Kronos chided.

The hope in Percy's eyes died but it came back when he realized that he would finally be free of Kronos.

"At least I'll finally be free of you!" Percy rasped out, his voice still raw from all the screaming.

"Yes, yes you will be but I have a very special gift to give you today." Kronos said in a sickly sweet tone, holding up the weird-looking knife that began to glow a dark black as he stalked towards the fallen demigod.

Percy tried to scramble away from the approaching titan but he was still so weak. Kronos then grabbed his arm, stretched out Percy's hand palm facing down, and with a malicious smirk, drove the dagger through the back of his hand.

Percy let out a scream of pure agony as the glowing knife plunged into his hand. It felt let his hand was injected with pure lava and it was traveling through his veins with each pulse of his heart. Funny thing was, the knife and his heart were pulsing in rhythm with each other as if...they were connected.

The pain abruptly ended as Kronos pulled the knife from his hand and Percy collapsed to the ground dry heaving as the after-effects of whatever Hades just happened to him caught up with him. He looked at the back of his hand, expecting to see a gaping hole in the back of it, and imagine his surprise when he doesn't see a gaping wound but a black tattoo of an inverted reptile eye. A monster's eye.

"Were not done just yet, Perseus, we still have the other hand to do" Kronos cackled madly.

After going through the process once again, Percy had a matching black tattoo on his other hand and he could feel that something was pulsing through his body, waiting to break free.

"This knife, was a very special gift I was given by my mother, Gaea, did you know that? She and her brothers, Tartarus and Ouranos imbued their power into it with a sliver of power from their father, Chaos." Kronos explained as the pain from the knife continued to pulse through Percy's body.

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