Enter the Sisters

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        Three women in witchy period clothing appear. The one in the front has big, red, curly hair, buck teeth and she's wearing green. Then I see the other two behind her. The bigger woman is wearing scarlet and her raven hair resembles that of a witch's hat. Her mouth is drawn to the side and she has a good sized nose. Now the last one. Not gonna lie she was hot. I could tell she had a nice bod. Her outfit was red and scarlet. Her cleavage was showing just above her corset.

"Sisters we are home." The red head states.

       As the first two make their way inside the blonde stops for a moment, reaching up the top of the doorframe, searching for something. Her corset rises up and I catch a glimpse of her toned stomach. Shit.

"My lucky rat tail! Just where I left it!" She beams.

I cringe, ew.

She soon follows the other two. Which I'm assuming are Winnifred and Mary. The little one must be Sarah then.

I honestly don't hear the rest of what they say because I focus on Allison to make sure she's okay. Then I hear Mary say something I never wanted to hear.

"I smell children!"

"Sick em!"

She sniffs around the room, the other two following her. Soon she makes it to where Dani is hiding. Sarah starts to quietly sing, but Winnifred holds her lips shut. Oh no. 

"Come out my dear! We will not harm thee!"

"We love Children!" Mary slams her fist on the shelving unit that Dani was behind.

I watch as Dani jumps up out of fright. She takes being dressed as a witch to her advantage and thinks fast.

"Greetings sisters." She says calmly.

"Greetings little one."

"It was I who brought you back."

Winnifred looks to her sisters. "I see." She's clearly not buying it.

The sisters crowd around her.

"Imagine? Such a pretty little- child." Winnifred struggles on the last word.

Soon the sisters are poking and prodding her.

Mary starts to poke her in the belly.

"So well fed!"

"Tell me my sweet. What is the year?"


"Sisters, we have been gone 300 years. My, How time flies? When you're dead!" 

They all howl in laughter. Dani joins in with some forced laughter of her own. Then the sisters stop and look at her. 

"Guess I'll be going." Dani finally says and attempts to get up from the chair. 

Mary stops her with her arm. "Stay for supper." 

"Oh, I'm not hungry."

"But, we are!" 

I knew it was time for me to step in. I got up from my spot. I grab a bucket of water. 


The three women turn around. I immediately splash the water onto Winnifred hoping it would do anything. Everyone just watches as she gets so mad that the water literally evaporates from her. 

"It worked in the Wizard of Oz." I say sheepishly. 

Suddenly A jolt of electricity smacks me in the stomach and I begin to be lifted by some electrical field. I writhe in pain as I rise. The witched continue to cackle. Sarah laughs and I catch her eye for an instant. 

"Roast her Winnie!" Mary cries. 

Before I know it Dani smacks Winnifred with her candy bucket. "You leave my sister alone!" 

The electricity leaves my body and I fall to the floor. From where I am on the floor I see Alison get up and smack Mary with a broom and then go for Winnifred who easily knocks her down. If I wasn't still in as much pain as I am I would have moved to help her. Winnifred lifts Dani and is about to wring her neck when I hear a ferocious yowl and the black cat from before leaps onto Winnifred. She lets go of Dani who runs to Alison. I manage to muster the strength to get up and stumble over to them. 

   Winnifred tries getting the cat off of her as Mary goes for me, but I knock her down again with a bowl. I then remember that I have the lighter from before. I take it out of my pocket. 

"Hey!" I light it. 

   The sisters look up at me. 

"You have messed with the great and powerful Max! Now you must suffer! I summon the burning rain of death!" 

  The sisters look amung themselves confused. I then lift my hand to the overhead fire sprinklers. The water starts gushing out and then the fire bell goes off. I watch as the witches scream in fear as they slowly slump to the floor. Sarah looks up at me with sad eyes. Hmmm. I think nothing of it as I run to get Dani and Alison out of the cabin. I manage to stumble over something in the process. The cat jumps in front of me and startles me. 

"Get the spellbook!" it yells at me. 

 I am taken aback. "You talk?!" 

"Yeah, no shit. Now get the book!" 

I get back up and go get the book. I smash the glass and grab it. Then I run out following the rest. When I look back I see the witches found cover. Winnifred is being held back by her sisters. Sarah has a longing look in her eyes as she watches me leave. My eyes meet hers for a moment before the door closes behind me. What the Hell just happened. 

  When I get outside I catch my breath. I look up at Alison, she looks relieved, yet frightened.

"C'mon! We gotta get to the cemetery." The cat tells us and jumps down off the porch. Alison looks at me with a quirked brow. 

"He talks." I shrug. 

We all follow the cat into town and to the cemetery. Somehow my left hand finds Alison's as we make our way there. 


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