Maybe I am Gay?

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We finally arrive at Max's house. She opens the door to quiet.

"Mom! Dad!" She calls with no response.

"We got a new cat!" Dani yells.

"They must be partying still. C'mon in."

She closes the door behind me, and we continue into the house. I follow Dani to what I suppose is Max's room, where she places a bowl of milk beside the bed for Binx. She hops into the bed and begins talking to the cat, well boy? She speaks to him until she falls asleep. Max gets some extra pillows and a blanket out of her closet.

     The two of us snuggle together, the book sitting next to us. I feel Max's arm around my shoulders and I feel safe. I lean further into her.


"Yeah?" She responds.

"How did you- figure out that you're..." I trail off.



"I guess I just watched a lot of movies with hot women in them and I found out I had a crush on one of my old friends. We don't talk anymore because I told her and, well, she didn't feel the same. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I- I think I might be gay."


"Yeah. I think I have a crush on someone." I can feel myself blushing now."


Now my face is really flushing.

"You..." Is all I can say before I feel my eyes drooping. My eyes shut, but I'm not fully asleep yet.

"Well, I have a crush on you too." Max holds me closer and I burrow my face into her shoulder.

I breathe in her comforting scent and then I'm finally asleep.


I feel myself start to wake up. My eyes start to open and adjust to the surroundings. I forget where I am for a second until I remember I'm snuggled next to the girl I have a crush on and it's Halloween. Soon I feel a weight off my shoulders and hear max stretch next to me.

I rub my eyes.



I reach for the alarm clock next to us and see that it's 5 am.

"Oh shit. It's 5:00. My parents will kill me if I'm not home. I should go."

"I wish you could stay," Max says, stretching.

I turn to look at her and see that she's already looking at me. I look down at her lips briefly. I really want to kiss her. I feel us move in, I close my eyes and then I feel it. Our lips come together for a brief moment. This feels really good. We both pull away and just end up looking into each other's eyes. I decide to go back in for seconds. I take her face in my hands and bring our lips together. She responds and our lips move together. It feels so good, so right.

I pull away and smile. I see Max smiling right back at me.

"You're a really good kisser," I say to her.

"Yeah? You are too."

We push the blanket off of us and check on Dani, who is still fast asleep.

We quietly make our way downstairs.

Once downstairs I start going through the cabinets looking for salt.

"Whatcha lookin for?"


"Should beee," she wiggles her fingers in the direction of the cabinets. "This one!" She stops at the end cabinet. I open it and sure enough, salt.

"Thank you."

"No problem", She blushes, cute.

I grab the salt and look at the label, raising my eyebrow.

"What's it say?" She asks, sliding up next to me.

"Make a circle of salt around one's self to protect from witches, zombies and ex's" I end looking into her eyes. I feel myself lean in for another kiss, then we're interrupted by a noise upstairs.


Phew! Finally got this chapter out! Damn

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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