9˚|| bravery is stupidity.

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bravery is stupidity.

Maisie couldn't shake off the boy who was annoyingly following her around stuck to her shoe as gum. Unwanted, and extremely hard to shake off. "Phineas, what is the point of this?" She disheveled her attitude at him when he shuffled back into the railing of the moving stairs.

"Can't I show my appreciation of our friendship?" He eyed her nervously, in her eyes he looked the part of an abandoned puppy while his tone mentioned otherwise the opposite, a repressed man with money.

"Yeah." she toned into resentment for not wanting to tell the boy off, I'm starting to think too much is what she left from her sentence. Before carrying herself into a light sprint, her own footsteps echoed from Finn. She shrugged her 

After the week of terror, she wished for the weekend to turn somewhat different. That is why she never wished upon a star, there never was a superstitious force on the other side to grant it. Draco hadn't passed her mind only the sweet symphony of vengeance for Alessandra Black. She didn't know yet that she shouldn't have stepped out of line, but she would when this hopeless case of a murderer would stop pursuing her every step.

She knew what would shake him off from her, she made her way to the astronomy tower where she would meet the sweet scent of mayhem, the Weasley twins had never failed her yet, and she wouldn't dream of it even if they were the different ones from decades ago. The portrait alarmed itself by shouting intruders until a Gryffindor prefect left the room that it was guarding. "How may we help you snakes?" He made his hatred tirelessly obvious.

"I'm here for the Weasleys." Her face lightened with the hardest closing of her lips to make a semi-smile without teeth, it didn't meet her eyes. 

"Which ones, there seem to be twenty of them." He exasperated at the name, they were picking his nerves before she arrived.

"The twins." Maisie mocked as if it was the a math equation written into words, it was common sense.

With that, the prefect brought out the saviors of ginger heroes, who without a doubt led Phineas to throw caution to the wind. When she was left from his staking nature, she could have hugged them. Which she did, crushing her arms around the both of them. She hadn't hugged anyone in a while, especially her twins. They were left behind dazzled from their wits shrugging themselves off before heading back inside throwing each other punches on their shoulders in stun.

She ran back to the Slytherin common room, she didn't bother stepping into the shadows hiding. Prancing was an understatement, managing to slip behind one of tom's own. She was more than determined to cast out Alessandra, and make her forget her own family's name for the threat she's posed to all of them. She knew the cold-blooded liked their habits hidden, and that was enough for her to jog to the girls' common room unaware of the scene behind her. 

"You inconsiderable stuck-up bitch." she fled through the door, remembering her bare hands inches away from Daisy's pink bleed cheeks. She was pointing her wand too many times in the faces of others, she was starting to get familiar with the feeling of control. Alessandra's book fell from her lap in which she held onto it for dear life, her eyes leaked with betrayal, but it was held with a welcoming glare.

Maisie tore through her hands to hold the book she was sure contained her lies, but she was met with the name she was starting to feel an unconscious distaste in her mouth when said. Riddle thousands of times over in thought, it was in awe that it was written. The curling of her cursive held together in perfect signification.

"You're in love with him, why?" She dropped the book beside the girl who leaned against the frame unsure what to make of everything. It was quite obvious, but she wasn't able to hide the offense she felt from her uncle's mother fallen for a monster.

"I knew him. The real one, not that mask he hides behind." Her voice stinger, her heart splintering itself in her chest. Maisie felt the pain in her voice, it shrunk into the skeleton buried underground that read the past. 

"You dated that prune?" When she stood answering in her eyes, forgetting to use her mouth, she cleared her voice louder into a softer pitch, "Well, did you?" 

"Yes," Alessandra's voice hiccuped in between her own words. "Although it didn't end well. He slipped me lies that I yearned to be true, I lead myself to where I am. He blamed me as a traitor, and that is the face I see whenever I'm looked upon, a disgrace."

Her wand fell hopelessly, why was it that she would point it at her enemies, they were never who she thought they were. Daisy. The name sweetened for its petals, but its ending made her want to be poked with thorns that shined through. The thoughts betrayed her, she didn't know what she was doing. Maisie walked out, rubbing her face hoping to erase the wrongs of her enemies. 

She sat in the common room's light, she wanted to sink into the sea of the green water. It was an illusion; it wasn't the light that gives the room its color, only the water. This was all an illusion, she wondered if she was hypnotized to where she was now. If others were conscious of their decisions since they always seemed to collide with hers.

Draco slipped next to her on the seat, she glanced at him. His skin was yellower than its milk-white consistency. She wished to bring his true color back to him by her news which mixed her into if it was a good thing.  "Draco, I figured it all out."

"Really? Alessandra isn't the person who slipped me the potion." He was bitter with her, he expected her to protect him and see through the obvious. This never was easy, neither was he. He felt he was the single person placing effort on the point of this mission.

"How did you know?" Her pride hurt, it ached. She was aching for something more, a new revelation in finding out the truth. One step closer, but whenever she tried to find something it hid itself hundreds of steps back.

"I'm the one that got us one step ahead from the rest." He rolled his sleeve up, her eyes wanted to tear themselves into rivers apart. She knew the mark well, she's drawn it several times to remember what it was meant for. The gushes of a lake in her eyes weren't because she cared but that this was a failure that they took, and there would be many more.

It never was supposed to be his fault to take, she hid herself from him. The little amount of care she held, didn't want the little friendship they'd gotten over their muttered words to have shown.

"Don't act brave, you were never meant for Gryffindor."   Where was it she held the feeling.  That they would be driven insane before they can even convince Tom into thinking something different.

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