1. Gun Fight

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"Farlan! Stop! Get back here before I really kick your ass!" A girl maybe 17 or 18 with long dirty blonde hair called after a boy the same age as he ran away. In his hands was a slice of cake she had managed to get from a nice kind old lady just moments before. She was going to share it with him but now she's having second thoughts.

"You shouldn't have left it out in the open. You don't know who could steal it." The boy - Farlan shouted over his shoulder as he took a quick glance behind him before making a sharp turn around a corner, the cake tucked safely in his arms.

I groaned loudly in annoyance as I pushed myself faster, turning the corner just as swiftly as Farlan. I stopped my feet cold as out of the corner of my eye I saw Farlan pressed flat up against the brick wall. That little bastard! I thought angrily as I tried to turn on my heels. Sadly from the force of my momentum, I only ended up falling flat on my back.

I whined in pain as Farlan started laughing, his eyes closing an his body leaning over. I glared at him from the ground as he took a few steps closer.

"That was just to good to pass up... I'm sorry Elle..." Farlan chuckled as he reached a hand out to me.

   I continued to glare at him until a thought popped into my head. Smiling nicely, I grabbed onto Farlan's hand nice and tight. He gave me a confused look but I kept a bright smile on my face.

"It's okay. I know how it feels when you spot something that's... just to good to let slip by..."

Farlan seemed to realise what I was going to do an tried to back away, but he was too slow. I quickly yanked Farlan's hand towards me, lifting my legs up so his stomach would land on the bottom of my feet. Using the momentum of him falling, I flipped Farlan up and over my head. He landed behind me on his back, a loud uwf noise filling my ears.

I started laughing loudly as Farlan's head fell next to mine. He had a pained look on his face as he rubbed his back trying to sooth the pain of the bricks digging into it.

"I should have known you were going to do that... I should have known..." Farlan groaned, shooting me a little glare from the corner of his eyes.

I laughed once more before standing to my feet, and dusting the dirt off my shirt and pants. Though Farlan gave them to me from his own stack of clothes, I wanted to keep them clean. You know.. in case he ever wanted them back. I watched as Farlan sat up with his back still facing me, looking over his shoulder to me.

I nodded, a little giggle escaping my sealed lips," Yes you should have. How many years have we've known each other and you still can't tell when I'm about to get revenge? That sad Farlan... real sad..."I made a tsking motion at him. Farlan chuckled lightly.

"You wanna know what else is sad?"


Farlan pointed of to the side, " That..."

Following his finger my eyes landed on something completely horrid. I dropped to my knees next to Farlan, my hands going to cover my face. How could this happen? How could I have not factored that in? Farlan placed a big hand on my shoulder, patting it gently.

"It'll be okay... maybe you'll get another one soon. Or maybe I'll get one for you." He offered, but I shook my head looking at him sadly.

"But that was strawberry cheesecake..."I whispered.

Farlan smiled, pulling me close to his side. Farlan to me was like a big brother. He was always there for me. He always made sure I had clothes. Made sure I was fed. Made sure I had a safe place to rest my head at night. He would always fight off any crooks that liked to pick fights with me - though I'm perfectly capable at handling myself. I don't like to always admit it, but Farlan does more for me then I could ever repay him for.

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