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Andrea Lawrence was hurting.

Both physically and mentally.

For two weeks straight, Andy didn't leave the hospital. The school suspended her so she didn't have to go. Her father was M.I.A which left her all alone.

But her mom was there. She visited everyday after work. She would bring Andy new clothes and help her with whatever she needed. Carmen and Rosa were also there most of the time, which meant Andy wasn't completely alone. But she never left. She lived off vending machine food and the food Vanessa would bring with her. Once or twice a nurse has snuck her into a room to shower quickly.

Her friends still refused to answer her calls. Hawk answered most of the time, but she rarely called him. She felt too bad about fighting him. Demetri answered, but he usually just wanted to talk about his improvement in karate. Aisha was forced to move schools due to the fight, which meant she was moving away. Robby was M.I.A and Tory refused to call her.

Andy was scared, so scared. Miguel was dying and she couldn't even see him. He was back in the ICU, which meant she couldn't get back because she wasn't family. Carmen and Rosa kept her updated no matter what. But she still refused to leave. The moment she could see him, she was.

Not to mention the nightmares. Andy could barely get an hour at a time because she was woken up gasping in her chair. The nightmare was never the same, it always varied. Sometimes it was Lucas, sometimes it was Miguel falling, and other times it was both. Either way, Andy couldn't get any sleep in which caused dark circles under her eyes.

Unfortunately, her two week break ended much too quickly. She didn't want to leave the hospital, but Carmen and her mother demanded she go back to school.

"You will be the first to know if anything happens to him. I promise." Carmen had said, trying to reassure the girl. Andy didn't fully believe it.

Today was Andy's last day before she went back home to prepare for hell. She was curled into a ball on the chair and was just silently listening to everything around her. This happened a lot, it was all she had to do. Her phone didn't interest her without her best friend to send funny things to. And she had no school work because she hadn't been at school.

Until the nurse behind the counter spoke up. The poor woman had watched the girl suffer for two weeks and was tired of it.

"Whoops my hand has slipped and hit the button to open the doors back to the ICU." Andy looked up at the nurse who was speaking in a sarcastic tone. Sure enough the doors were opening slowly, but the nurse was looking up. "But this ceiling is so interesting. It would be a shame if someone were to slip in and go see their friend even if they aren't family."

The nurse was doing this for her. She had watched Andy suffer for two weeks and was willing to do this for her. Getting up before the could change her mind, Andy quickly slipped into the ICU before the doors shut.

The ICU was packed with nurses, but nobody paid her any mind. They probably assumed she was family because she was back there. She still kept her head down and looked silently for Miguel's room.

Andy wasn't 100% sure which room was Miguel's, but after wondering for a while, she found it. She saw him through the window of the room, and gasped quietly.

Her heart began to ache more as she saw his position. He had some sort of back brace on, with a weird head cage contraption. It scared Andy to see. He was knocked out, in a coma according to Carmen. Andy couldn't help the tears that started to well.

Could he hear her? Would it be weird if she spoke to him?

"Hey there, Diaz." She tried to talk in a happy tone, although a lump had formed into her throat. She walked around to sit next to him, taking his hand into her own. It was warm, and comforting, even if it was lifeless. "I can't be here for long. The nurse snuck me in..."

Andy didn't know what to say. She had dreamed of seeing him for two weeks and now she had no idea what to say. She debated for a few moments while she rubbed her thumb over his skin.

"I miss you so much. God I wish you would just open your eyes..." Andy begged, a few tears slipping from her eyes. "I need you, Diaz. I need you so so much. We've had our ups and downs but I know that I need you. I need to hear you talk about superhero's and the Dodgers. I need my sparing buddy and the one person who always knew me the best. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can't lose you."

Andy broke down once again, her body racking in silent sobs. Andy wondered if he could even hear her.

"He has some activity. That's what's keeping the doctors hopes up. The doctor says he can hear us when we talk to him. He can also squeeze your hand if he tries." Carmens words rang inside her head.

"Please, give me something. A twitch of your finger, a squeeze, anything." Andy begged quietly, her body shaking. She needed it, she needed him to move, to do something.

After a few seconds of silence, Andy felt it. A small squeeze to her hand. It wasn't very tight, and she wouldn't of even realized it happened if she wasn't paying such close attention. A sigh of relief left her lips. This small squeeze made her feel almost put together again.

"I love you, Miguel Diaz. Please wake up soon."

Andy knew she couldn't stay for long. If she was gone too long someone would realize she had snuck back here. But she got to see him, even if he wasn't in the best condition. That made her feel semi okay again. Now it was time for him to wake up.

Pressing a light kiss to his hand, she let go and started for the door. Glancing back, she took one long look at him before heading to the waiting room. She wished she could go back and stay for hours.

Vanessa was there waiting for her in the waiting room when she got back. The nurse didn't even look up as she walked in. Giving her a confused look, Andy only shook her head and grabbed her things to go home. It was time to get her things together for school tomorrow.

"Did you sneak back there?" Vanessa asked as the two rode down in the elevator. Andy sighed, sniffling.

"Kind of."

"You can't do that, Andy."

"It was only for a few minutes. I had to see him."


"Mom." Andy turned around to face her as the two walked down the hall. "I have spent two weeks in that goddamn waiting room. I have done nothing but hear second hand information from Carmen. He's been sitting back there, dying. How am I suppose to know whether or not I'll ever see him again. I had to see him, even if it was only for a few minutes."

Vanessa shut up after that. She didn't really have an argument for it.

Andy went to sleep that night in her own bed, but the nightmares followed her.

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