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"Boo!" A girlish scream left Hawk's throat as someone snuck up on him from behind. He turned to defend himself, but stopped when he saw his laughing best friend.

"Not funny, A." He muttered sourly. But he couldn't stay mad for long hearing her laugh. So he just hugged her a little too tight, making her groan in pain.

Things were quite good now. The dojo's were to leave each other alone until the tournament, and Andy had almost everyone she loved in her life.

Today was the first training session of Miyagi-Do/Eagle Fang, they really needed to figure out a new name. Andy felt nervous. The two sensei's had been fighting for 30 years and they finally ended their feud. But that feud could return at any moment.

Daniel LaRusso entered the backyard of the place he trained when he was young. In front of him stood many children, spaced out and watching him, waiting on direction. They were his students, the students of Miyagi-Do.

A few seconds later, two kids emerged from around the corner. It was Andy and Miguel. The two stood for a moment before they finally entered the dojo fully, going to stand next to Sam. Behind them was all the students of Eagle Fang.

Andy watched with pride as Hawk and Demetri hugged, Mitch and Chris, and even Bert and Nate. It was amazing to see people who once loved, then hated, now love each other again.

Behind the students, came Johnny Lawrence, who never believed he would enter this dojo willingly a day in his life. But here he stood, side by side with someone who he had hated for many many years, and blamed for most of the things going wrong in his life.

In front of both Sensei's, we're children who looked to them for guidance. In their eyes, they held all the answers. Which truly, they didn't. There were still things they were learning, the same as them.

But as the students and sensei's bowed to each other, a natural form of respect formed. They would learn from each other.

And soon they would conquer.

"You ready?"

"Let's begin!"

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