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True to her word, Andy was at the hospital bright and early the next morning. Miguel's surgery was set for 8am, so she got there at 7.

"You don't have to be here." He sighed. "I hate that you're missing school for me."

"Either way, I'm not gonna learn anything. I can't stand the thought of being in school with you here." Andy played with his hand. She had decided not to tell him of Cobra Kai's actions just yet. What good would it do? He was already worried enough about his legs. He didn't need to worry about anyone else.

Soon enough, it was time to take him off. So with one last long kiss, Miguel rolled down the hall by himself.

Andy entered the waiting room only to pause. There sat her father. Andy clenched her jaw and just sat down.

"Hey kid." He sat down next to her. Andy crossed her arms and stared forward. "I know you're mad at me-"

"I'm not mad, dad. I'm upset." Andy interrupted. "I sat for almost a month and wondered whether or not you were dead. I suffered in this hospital alone. We could of been there for each other. Helped each other. Instead you left me. I didn't have anyone but my own mother. My mother was there for me for once when you weren't." Andy looked at him. "What would I have done if you drank yourself to death? I know that's what you've done for the past couple weeks."

Johnny didn't know what to say. He had left her. He left her to suffer alone instead of staying and letting her help him, and helping her along the way. She had every right to be upset.

"I can't take back what I did. But I'm here now. And I'm here to help us both." He grabbed her hand and squeezed. "I promise I'm not leaving again."

Andy glanced up with tears in her eyes. He sounded so genuine. She nodded and the tears started flowing. Johnny curled his daughter to to his arms and gently rocked her back and forth. He felt whole with her in his arms.

Many hours later, Andy was waiting patiently for Miguel's surgery to end and for him to go back to his room. Carmen had to work and Rosa headed home to go to bed. So the two Lawrence's were together alone and waiting.

Johnny used the front desk phone to call Bobby, who apparently was suppose to go see Robby with him. Andy knew it would be her job to explain to her brother why he didn't show up, and hopefully he would understand.

Andy stood up at the sight of Miguel's nurse. She was a sweet lady who liked to sneak snacks and sweets in for the two teens because she knew how much they hated hospital food.

"Hey, excuse me." Andy and Johnny called to her at the same time. She looked in between the two as they stood in front of her.

"How'd the surgery for Miguel Diaz go? Is he doing okay?" Johnny asked. Andy's leg bounced in nervousness.

"He's awake. A little out of it, but healing." Andy let out a breath of relief.

"Good. So he can walk again?"

"It doesn't work like that." The nurse tried to explain. "Time will tell how successful the surgery was, but... I can take you both in if you like. I'm sure he'd love to see you." She smiled and put her hand on Andy's shoulder. Andy nodded eagerly.

"No, he needs to be with his family." Johnny answered, patting Andy on the back. "Go back there, kid."

"Why don't you wanna see him?" Andy gave him a confused look.

"I'll explain later. He's your best friend, go get him." He sat down. "I'll be here waiting for you. We'll go home together."

A smile bloomed on Andy's lips. She had her dad back.

"Come on sweetheart." The nurse wrapped an arm around her shoulder and led her through the doors towards Miguel's room.

"Hey stranger." She giggled upon the sight of her boyfriend. A smile bloomed on his features as well at the sound of her laughter.

"I swear the only time this boy will smile is when he sees you." The nurse smiled. "That's called love, kiddos." Both Andy and Miguel's cheeks turned red at that. "I'll go get your cake. Want one, Andy?"

"No thanks, Ma'am." Andy smiled at her. She nodded and patted her shoulder before walking away. "How you feeling?"

"Like I need a kiss." He smirked lightly. Andy smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed carefully, leaning in to give him a long kiss on the lips. He smiled into the touch. After a good 15 seconds, Andy pulled away and leaned her forehead against his. "Seriously, how are you?"

Miguel sighed, "I'm a little sore but the pain meds should kick in soon. But...I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of..." He paused, staring at the girl in front of him. "Never being able to take you to prom and slow dance. Not being able to get down on one knee and propose or stand at the end of the aisle as you walk down in in a long white dress and say I do." He sighed. "You never appreciate walking until you can't."

"I Know Miguel Diaz did not just say he was giving up." He gave her a look. "Don't give me that look. You can sit here feeling sorry for yourself, or you can go to physical therapy and you can want all those things. This isn't going to be easy, Miguel. This is going to be the worst and most tough time in your life but guess what? You have to want to walk again in order to do it. So are you gonna sit and feel bad for yourself in a wheelchair for the rest of your life, or are you going to work and actually walk again?"

He stared at her in a way she couldn't figure out. She was right of course. He wanted all those things but he needed to work for it in order to do it.

"I love you." He whispered, genuinely meaning it.

"I love you more." She pecked his lips lightly. "Now hug me, asshole."

He did as told without complaint.

True to his word, Johnny Lawrence was outside in the waiting room when she came out an hour later. He perked up at the sight of her and stood up.

"He's doing good." She spoke before he could ask. "No complications and there's a possible chance he could walk again with effort and physical therapy."

"Good, that's good. So is he still with the blonde or is he with LaRusso again?" Johnny asked cluelessly. He didn't seem happy with either option. That's when it dawned on Andy that he didn't know.

"Oh right, uh, he's actually with me now." She smiled lightly, looking down.



"Well that's great. I'm glad. No more girl drama." Johnny smiled, visibly happy. Andy giggled at her dad and wrapped her arm around her fathers waist.

"Let's go home." He nodded and wrapped his arm around his daughter as well.

Andy sent a quick text to Sam telling her she was going home with her father before she left the hospital, not wanting the girl to worry. She also told her an update on Miguel and his surgery.

Spencer Reid's Wife

I'm glad he's doing good! Tell him I said hi next time you see him, will you?

Of course! See you tomorrow after I go see Robby?

Yeah definitely!

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