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Andy spent the entire evening with the Moskowitz family. She missed hanging out here, spending the night. This family always opened their arms to her and made her feel loved.

The sleeping situation wasn't really awkward like Andy expected. Mrs Moskowitz offered their guest bedroom, quietly away from Hawk. But Andy denied and very briefly explained the main reason she came over was because Hawk made her feel safe. The older woman immediately understood and got to work on finding the air mattress for her.

"Sometimes I think my mom likes you better than me." Hawk joked as the two set up her bed. Andy giggled and nodded, silently agreeing.

That's when Andy suddenly remembered her nightmares. In the LaRusso household she never had them, because she slept next to Sam and in a household that felt safe. But she had them at home, when she was alone. Would she have them now?

"I uh..." she suddenly spoke up, making Hawk look at her. "I have nightmares. I'm not sure if I'm going to have them now but...I don't usually wake up screaming. I only did once and it was the first night after the big fight. Usually it's just a loud gasp, I can't breathe for a minute, and then I'm okay." Andy looked down in shame. "I just don't want you to worry if you hear me."

"Are you able to go back to sleep after these nightmares?" He asked lowly, sitting down next to her.

"It takes a long time, but yeah."

"How long is a long time?"

"1-2 hours." Andy shrugged. "Depends on how tired I am."

Hawk sighed lightly. He hated that Andy had to go through that.

"If you want to talk about these nightmares, you can. I'm here to listen. But other than that, the other half of my bed will always be open throughout the night. Just crawl in if you want to or need to. And please don't hesitate to wake me up. You've been there for me for more than one nightmare and I want to do the same."Hawk smiled gently at the girl. He couldn't help but want to kiss her in that moment, but refrained. He loved Andy, always had and always will, but he still loved Moon.

"Thank you, E." Hawk didn't even mention the nickname, kind of missing it.

The two watched Iron Man as they dozed off, having seen it so many times they could quote it in their sleep. Andy felt at peace in that moment.

Surprisingly, the Lawrence girl had no nightmares. She slept peacefully throughout the night before Mrs Moskowitz came in to announce it was time to get up. Andy almost groaned, remembering it was Monday.

So after both teens got ready, they headed out. Andy admired Hawk's new motorcycle in awe, a little worried for his safety.

"Be careful." The girl begged a little. Hawk laughed at her and nodded. The two rode off, Andy in her car and Hawk on his bike. They basically raced the whole way just for the fun of it.

Unfortunately the two had to split ways when they got to school. Hawk went over to Mitch and the Cobra Kai's, and Andy went over to Sam, Yasmine, and Moon. Yasmine was getting better. Especially since she had little to no popularity anymore. But she still was a bitch. Andy only tolerated her for the sake of Moon and Demetri's little crush on her.

Lunch rolled around smoothly. Andy spent most of her classes dozing off rather than paying attention. Her seven hours of sleep only made her crave for more.

Lunch eventually rolled around and Andy hoped candy from the vending machine would help her wake up. As she headed back towards her table, she watched Demetri walk in with a giant board with a sheet over it. Giggling, she followed behind him.

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