Raph's P.O.V

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After Donnie left to walk April home I went to the kitchen to help Mona clean the plates. Usually Mikey would do it but after April's outburst he went to his room crying and Eva went to comfort him. 

I sigh. I knew this was gonna happen but I never would have expected Leo to act the way he did. It seems like he's getting worse and worse each day without Splinter's guidance. One other reason he might be acting this way is because I think he's starting to lose his purpose as leader. Without the Kraang and the Foot clan the city doesn't really need us anymore. Heck, even the purple dragons haven't done any trouble. 

You would think we'd be happy about that, right? Well of course we're happy that no more innocent people are getting mutated or being tortured by the Foot but we're all starting to wonder if the world needs ninjas anymore. Being ninjas is everything to us, it's our life and passion. It's our father's legacy and without it we're all starting to lose our purpose.

Who knows...maybe the world will need ninjas again someday and when that day comes hopefully we'll be there. "Rapheal." 

Me and Mona turned around to see Shini and Casey by the door. "What is it, Shini?" I ask. 

"If you see Karai, can you tell her I'm staying with Casey tonight?" I raise a brow. "She's not with you?" Shini shook her head. "No, but her bike is still here so I'm guessing she's somewhere in the lair."

I grew a little concerned. It's not like Karai to just disappear...oh who am I kidding, that's exactly like Karai to just go missing but still! Every time she disappears something bad happens! 

Casey shrugged. "Aw I'm sure she's fine. I bet she's just in the dojo training like she always does when she comes over."

I turned to Casey. His voice sounded off and his eyes were looking a bit droopy. "Casey, easy with the drinks, man." He glares at me. "Who are you, my dad?!"

"Hey, I'm just worried about you! You once told me that you never wanted to drink and here you are doing it! Why? What's been going on with you man?" Casey scoffed. "None of your damn business! Come on Shin, we're out of here!"

I looked down sadly and Shini put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry darling, I'll make sure he doesn't drive." She said before leaving. 

"I probably should go too, Raphael. The mutanimals will start to wonder where I am." Mona said. 


When she left I put the last dish in the cabinet and sighed to myself. "Damn it Casey, you used to tell me everything. Now you're becoming someone you never wanted to be and I don't know how to help you." I mutter. 

I then left the kitchen and went to the dojo to check on Karai to make sure she doesn't push herself too hard. Last time she trained in the dojo me and the guys found her passed out on the ground. Donnie thought she was just dehydrated since everything else seemed to be fine but now that Shini told me she isn't sleeping, I now know it was because Karai is not taking care of herself.

I walked in the dojo and my eyes widened with shock. Karai was curled in a ball, covering her ears, shaking, and crying. I went to her and cradled her in my arms. "Karai! What happened?!"

 I demanded but she didn't seem to hear me. "No, I'm nothing like you Shredder!" She cried.

 I realized she was having a panic attack. I looked around frantically trying to figure out what to do. Donnie would know what to do but he's gone. Leo and Mikey won't be any help right now. I growled in frustration and did the first thing I could think of. I held Karai closer to me and rocked her like Splinter used to do with me when I was a little. 

"No, it's not true!" She cried louder and I held her tighter. "Shh, It's ok Karai. Shredder's not here, he's gone." I whispered but it didn't seem to help her, she was still shaking. 

"Donnie, this is the worse time you could have chosen to walk April home!" 

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