Bye, Bye, Past! Hello Future!

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"HELP! SOMEONE HELP US!!" Raph screamed as we ran into the hospital. Luckily it seemed to have air in it.

Nurses came rushing. "Please, help! Our father...h-he lost a lot of blood!" Raph exclaimed as they took Splinter and laid him on a bed. One nurse put an ear to his chest. "Take him to the emergency room, now! We don't have much time!"

The purple alien woman ordered and they immediately took our father away from us. The nurse turned to us. "You two wait here, we'll do everything we can to save your father." She said before leaving.

Both Raph and I took a seat, waiting anxiously

... .

Couple hours have passed but we haven't heard anything about Father. Bishop came an hour ago, hearing about what happened and he wanted answers. Raph explained the story to him and Bishop went to Earth to clean up the mess the RatKing made. He promised that he would cure all the mutant rats and return them home safely. After that, we both just sat there quietly, waiting for something, anything to happen.

We were both nervous if Splinter was going to survive. If he didn't all of this would have been for nothing and I will never get to apologize to him. Worst of all, Raph and the others will probably never be whole again. He has to survive, he just has to!

The nurse finally came to us and we immediately stood up. "How is he?! Is he ok?!" I demanded.

"Yes, you two brought him in just in time. He will be asleep for a while, though. We had to put him in an induced coma so his body will heal faster."

"Can we bring the rest of our family here?" Raph asked but the nurse shook her head. "No, wait a couple days."

Raph looked like he wanted to argue but he just nodded. The nurse left and I finally felt like I could breathe. He's finally back and hopefully everything will go back to normal. I suddenly felt myself frown, 'back to normal.' What will happen now? Will Father and I go back to how we used to be or will we finally build up the courage and change. I don't know.

"How are you going to tell everyone that Splinter is alive?" I asked Raph, trying to get my mind off it. He shrugged. "Bishop said he will explain things to them once he's done with everything." He said before sitting back down.

"You're not going home?"

Raph shook his head. "No, I need to stay here, I don't want to leave him alone." I nodded in understanding. "Will you be ok here by yourself?"

"Yeah. Go home, get some rest. You need it." He told me. I crossed my arms. "So do you."

"I'll be fine. Go." He promised and I gave him a nod before I left.


I went back to Shredder's lair and...when I walked in the throne room something When I looked around everything felt different somehow. This place, it didn't feel real, the memories that were in here feels like a dream.

My anger, my need to prove myself, my hunger for's...gone. I don't feel like Karai anymore, I feel different, like I've been reborn. I feel stronger and wiser than I have ever felt before.

"Karai!" Shinigami yelled excitedly and ran in to hug me. "I'm so glad you're finally back! The Foot has been dying to know what our next step is!"

I frowned. The Foot. I almost forgot about them....Screw them! They were right, I don't care about the honor of the Foot clan, I was just using them to hide away like a coward! It's time, it's time for the Foot clan to be out of my future and into my past.

"Shini, I've made a decision while I was away." She smiled. "Oh? What's that?"

I gazed down slightly. "I-I don't want to be leader of the Foot anymore, I want those soldiers gone and out of my life for good!"

Shini's eyes widened slightly and I started to worry. "I know you miss being in a clan and everything but I just can't-

I was cut off when she hugged me and I blinked in surprise. "Thank god! I hated seeing you miserable all the time!"

"You're not upset?"

She pulled away and chuckled. "No! Yes, I miss being part of a clan but my clan used to be like a family. These guys are all about hate and revenge and blah, blah, blah!"

"Then why did you stay if you hated it?" I asked, confused and she smiled. "Because I couldn't leave my crazy sister fighting a war alone." She joked and I punched her in the arm.

She hugged me again. "I love you, Harmy-dear." If this was me before I left I would have scolded her for calling me that but instead I said. "I love you too, Shini."

She let go and snorted. "Ok, where is Karai? What have you done with my hotheaded sister?"

I laughed a little. "Well, Karai is hopefully somewhere far away... as for your hotheaded sister...well, she's still here and is probably never going away."

Shini laughed. "So! Tell me about Japan!" She exclaimed while taking my arm as we walked out of the throne room. "I actually didn't go to Japan."

She looked at me confused. "What?"

"I'll tell you later. Right now, let's send these soldiers back to Japan."


Couple weeks passed,

Shinigami and I got rid of the Foot and we used the last of the money we stole from Shredder to rent an apartment. The turtles, April, and even Casey are all at the hospital with Splinter. I thought about joining them but decided against it.

Shini and I were unpacking boxes as she went on about how she was going to decorate the place. I chuckled a bit and opened my personal box without realizing it. I saw a photo of me, Shini, Mizuki, and Laila. I pulled it out and smiled.

Shini came over and looked. "Mom would be very proud of you right now." I looked at her. "You think so?"

She nodded. "I know so! Hey, we should invite Mizuki over to visit sometime. It has been a while since we've seen her."

I nodded in agreement as she went back to finish what she was doing. I dug deeper and pulled out Splinter's family portrait and my green silk. I stared at them sadly, thinking about how I will face Splinter when he wakes up. Hopefully, it won't be soon.

My phone suddenly rang and I picked it up, putting it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Karai! Splinter is up!" Raph's voice exclaimed through the phone. My eyes widened and Shini turned her attention to me. "O-Oh, he-he is? That's great..."

It wasn't a complete lie, of course I was happy he was awake and healed but I didn't feel ready. The way we left things before he died, how was I going to make up for that? Those words I know hurt him more than anything, it was how I felt but it could have come out way better and there was so much I still wanted to get out. Was I ready to finally face him? Was I ready to tell him how I feel?

"You have to get here!" Raph said. "O-Ok, I-I'll be there soon." I said and hung up the phone.

I sighed and sat on the couch, burying my face in my hands. Shini sat next to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Come on, Harmy-dear. You can't avoid him like you used to."

"I know. I'm-I'm just...nervous. We had a huge fight before he died. What if he's still upset about it?  What if he gets mad after hearing what I did to Tatsu? What if-

Shini put a mouth over my mouth to shut me up. "Would you stop with the 'what ifs,' It's not helping, you won't know unless you try."

She took her hand off and I sighed. "Ok, I'll get my jacket."

"That's the spirit!" Shini cheered and I groaned at her.

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