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The Rat King laughed while Splinter stared at him in disbelif. "Good, you remember me but it is RatKing." This can not be happening! The man was dead! 

"How are you even-

"Here?" RatKing interrupted. "The short version is...I'm not."

I looked at him confused. 'What does he mean?' I was going to question him but then he began to unwrap his face and take off his hat. My hands began to tremble. This man's appearance is not the RatKing's, it's a normal man, possessed by the RatKing's spirit.

"Do you like my new look?" He joked with a chuckle. I growled. "What do you want, Falco?!"

He smiled. "I want to build a rat army, a kingdom that I can role in and I want you to be at my side."


The RatKing laughed. "I thought you might say that, so I brought you this." He pulled out an orb and showed it to me. It showed my sons. They were fighting Shredder in his new lair. I knew why he was showing this to me and I panicked a little.

"You better not lay one finger on them!" I yelled and the RatKing laughed evilly. "I won't...if you do everything I say." He smirked and put the orb on the ground.

"I'll leave this here so you can see them, you will never be able to do so in person ever again." The RatKing then left with his soldiers following behind. I grabbed the orb and looked at my Family.

Leonardo defeated Shredder and the others were unharmed. I was so relieved but then a scary thought entered my mind. Miwa, where was Miwa? The last time I saw her, Shinigami was taking her to the hospital. I brought the orb closer to me, I did not know how to use it so I tried doing the fist thing that came to mind.

"Show me my daughter." The orb did what I said and showed Miwa still in the hospital. I was relieved that she was alright but I cringed at the sight of her. Her arm was broken and she had bruises all over her face. 

Something else worried me. She was crying, why was she crying? Did my sons tell her I was dead before they went to fight Shredder? Miwa then quickly wiped her tears away when a nurse came in.

"Hi sweetie, how are you feeling?"

"I feel peachy."

I amusedly rolled my eyes at her remark. "At least her spirit is unharmed." I mutter to myself.

The nurse then started asking Miwa for her parents' number. That scared me a little. I did not even think of that when I told Shinigami to take her to the hospital. Luckily, Miwa thought quickly and got the nurse to leave but before she did she began to talk about blood tests which worried me more.

'How could I have forgotten about that?!'

I completely forgot that Miwa was a mutant. How? She was gone for months because of it, how could I forget? I would have never sent her to the hospital otherwise. When the nurse was gone, Miwa grabbed her belongings and climbed out the window. I watch her as she limps all the way home. A cab drove by and it splashed her.

"Asshole!" She shouted.

I shook my head, I never liked it when my children swore. Admittedly, I curse too me they are still too young to use that kind of language. Once I saw that she made it home safe I put the orb down and sighed.

The door opened and I saw the two soldiers holding whips. "Sorry about this." One of them apologized before they began whipping me. I yelled in pain. Why were they doing this? What was the reason? Was it some kind of sick pleasure for the RatKing?

The pain began to grow too much and I passed out.



I hear someone whisper for me, one of my children but which one and how are they here? I tried to open my eyes but they were too heavy.

I feel someone softly rubbing my back then lightly shaking me. "Dad? Can you hear me?" That voice, it's Miwa's voice. My eyes opened and when I saw Miwa I immediately sat up.

I knew what this was, Miwa was not here, not physically anyway. I have to get her to wake up, if the RatKing enters my mind and sees her, he might harm her. I told her to leave but she was confused, she did not understand what was happening, and I could tell she was scared but she was more concerned about me. She asked who had done this to me.

I was going to respond but my head started to feel like knives were going through it. The RatKing, he was coming. "...p-please...miwa...y-you mu-st..go....before he comes."

She was still confused and demanded to know who 'he' was but before I could respond  everything started to turn black and Miwa was gone. The RatKing showed himself to me.

"Who was that girl? How did she get here?" He asked in an evil tone. 'I can not tell him the truth.' 

"I do not know."

The RatKing stepped forward. "You don't know?"

"Yes, I do not know who that young girl is or how she got in my mind." I lied smoothly. The RatKing knows that it can be possible for someone other than him to have the ability to enter minds. So, if I can be convincing enough he might fall for my lie.

"So, you're saying that a random girl you don't know just entered your mind out of nowhere?"

I started to get a little nervous. I was not sure what to say. "It is possible that it could be one of my enemies from the Foot clan. I did not exactly get a good look at the girl's face."

The RatKing thought for a moment before he and everything else vanished. I woke up with a gasp and looked around. It had worked, he believed me. I sighed in relief and rested my head on the break wall.

'I have to find a way out of here. If Miwa entered my mind without knowing, there is no doubt that she will be able to do it again. The RatKing does not know who she is, for now, but he will find out sooner or later.' 

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