Growing up for the second time

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Even as a baby I can pick up on a few little things, like Elena's the favorite child. She has so many toys and a big huge room and she is a brat already.

All she does is cry and whine, it's annoying when I'm trying to sleep. I just wanna throw my bottle at her to make it stop. If I did that then I would be in huge trouble even though I'm a baby and don't know what I'm doing I'll get blamed.

I'm finally three years old, Elena is still annoying. Jeremy was born recently and let me tell you, once I seen his cute little face I knew I would protect him with my life. Jeremy was a cute and quiet baby, I think I'm his favorite. He doesn't get much attention because Elena gets it all, but he gets a little more than me.

I'm totally fine with that because he is a baby, he needs love and affection too and I would never be able to get mad at him. He's my baby brother and I'll protect him with everything I have.

Out of me and Elena, she's the oldest by a week. That sucks because apparently she can boss me around because she's older. That annoys me a lot, she tries to make me her maid and I'm not having it.

The first time I got it trouble was over something stupid, Elena wanted to watch Teletubbies and I was like "eww no, I wanna watch your stuffed animal burn but we can't all have what we want can we?" Let's just say as soon as I said something along those lines, I was in big trouble. They haven't hit me or physically abused me yet, I think it will happen eventually. I mean if you can torture somebody (Enzo) for just being something you don't like then you can do it to your own "daughter" too.

Jeremy's first word was "Lilwee", yeah my parents weren't too happy with that. They said he was supposed to say either Mama, Dada or Elena.He can say whatever he wants, I also may or may not of been teaching him too say my name as soon as he could know what that meant. Oops, sorry not sorry.

When I turned five I got all my memories back, let's just say I was a little more than pissed. Demi made the Gilbert's adopt me, I guess so I can be in the storyline but still like come on! I would have chosen anyone but the Gilbert's. Hell I would have even chosen being a Donovan, well maybe not. That's going a little too far but you get my point.

I'm stuck as a kid for a while, I have so much too get done. I can feel my magic when I Concentrate, but it's still hard. My magic won't work until I'm older. I'm too young but as I grow my magic will get stronger.

I met Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler and Matt a few days ago. Me, Elena and Jeremy were at the park and I saw them and immediately started asking to be friends. They agreed obviously, who wouldn't wanna be friends with me? Okay I'm joking but I don't like Matt even now as a baby. I tried being his friend and playing nice but he's always following Elena around like a lost puppy so he was a lost cause. Bonnie is the same way all she does is follow and do what Elena wants, yet I have hope for her and I'll do my best to help her too.

I wanna change at least Bonnie to not depend on Elena so much, in the show Bonnie gets hurt so much because of Elena and she didn't even have the decency to apologize. All Elena ever cared about was herself and the Salvatores, she should of told Jenna about vampires. Jenna probably wouldn't have died if she knew everything that was happening. She shouldn't of made Damon
compel Jeremy to leave either. Why does she get to choose for everyone?

They all used Bonnie for her powers, she was a bit judgmental, but overall she kept getting walked all over and I'm not having that.

Caroline and Tyler follow me around like lost puppies too, maybe it's because I promised to always take care of them. Which I never break my promises. I'll help Caroline with her confidence so instead of wanting to be like Elena, she will wanna be like herself.

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