Bye bye Miranda and Grayson 👋🖕

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Today's finally the day, the day we find out the question we've all been wondering... Are Miranda and Grayson mermaids? I'm joking obviously today's the day they finally die. If I could throw a party right now, trust me I would.

I get up off my bed quickly and smile today's gonna be a great day. That sounds really messed up since my parents are going to die but I'm finally free from them.

I need to make a list of my plans so I don't forget them. I'll do that later I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment, ya know with my parents deaths coming up and all.

Ooo Aunt Jenna will be coming, I loved her and this time I'm going to tell her about vampires and I'll save her from the stupid smelly doggie. If he even touches a hair on her head I'll kick his hybrid ass myself.

Stefan and Damon will also be here soon, Stefanie probably is here. The stalking will be starting from Stefan and Damon using us to get Kitty Cat out of the tomb she's not even in.

I really hope Katherine likes me, we both have lots in common we hate Elena, We also think the Mikaelsons are hot. If you don't think there hot then somethings wrong with you and you need to get your eyes checked. If you haven't noticed I like guys with daddy issues or at least some kind of issues. I love psychotic men, because they are hot. I mainly always fall for the villains in stories I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because a hero would sacrifice you to save the world but a villain would sacrifice the world to save you. Also duh I don't feel like dying to save a world that doesn't give a shit about me.

I kind of want the Mikaelsons to come to town earlier but probably not a good idea. I also want to be able to control things, so I don't wanna change so much to the point where I have no idea what will happen next. Aka I don't wanna be like the scooby do gang where they run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

That's probably why all their plans fail, because they arent well thought through. Once precious Elena is in danger they rush in and fuck everyone who gets in the way.

I get dressed into a beige turtleneck sweater and throw on a black skirt with tights and boots. I put some of my hair in a braid and leave the rest down. I do my black classic eyeliner and lipstick. (Outfit below if you don't like it then imagine something else also let me know what kind of outfits u want the oc to
wear because I don't have good style 😭)

 (Outfit below if you don't like it then imagine something else also let me know what kind of outfits u want the oc towear because I don't have good style 😭)

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I should probably do that spell now that will protect me and Elena. I low-key kinda wish she would drowned with my parents but sadly bunny muncher will save her plus we need her for the plot unfortunately.

I close my eyes and start thinking of the spell I want and what it will do. I feel the wind pick up and then when it finally stops I open my eyes.

I hope it worked I can't really find out until later, ya know when I'm in the middle of drowning. I already did the spell on Elena last night when she was sleeping, she drools in her sleep btw. Speaking of Elena I'm going to start collecting her blood for Nikkkklausss. Sorry I wanted to do it in Elijah's voice. I can't wait to meet the mikaelsons!!

I'll do it while she sleeps every night so she has no idea. If she finds out I'll just wipe her memory, maybe let her keep the memories and be traumatized that will teach her about being a spoiled brat. I really need help, Oh well.

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