waking you for cuddles

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Olivia couldn't help but smile as she walked into your shared bedroom to find you curled up in bed, sound asleep.

It's after midnight and she just got home from a busy day in the studio. She was worn out and a little stressed, so the sight of you sleeping being the first thing she saw made her feel as though the weight on her shoulders just completely lifted.

She noticed that one of your legs was over the blanket and the other was under it. You were wearing her hoodie and that brought a flutter to her heart. Your lips were parted, your head tilted back with soft breaths falling from your lips as you slept, looking like an absolute angel in her eyes.

She made her way to you, tiptoeing across the room so you wouldn't wake up. She brushed her lips across your forehead ever so softly and you cracked a smile in your sleep.

She wanted to crawl into bed with you more than anything after the day she had. But she had to brush her teeth and change into something more comfortable, so she stared at you for another moment and just watched you sleep before making her way into the bathroom.

So the light wouldn't hit your eyes and wake you, she closed the bathroom door all the way and then turned the light on. The bathroom lit up and she quickly brushed her teeth before walking out and changing into a different shirt and some pajama bottoms.

She made her way to you and turned the lamp off that you left on. She lied down beside you and put her head against the pillow. She was exhausted and figured she'd fall asleep in no time so she just whispered goodnight to you and closed her eyes.

But she was restless. Even though she was worn out, she was unable to fall asleep no matter how hard she tried. Her mind began to race and she tried her hardest to resist the urge to look at the clock. She didn't want to know the time, knowing that she'd only count the hours she had to sleep before she had to get up and be out the door.

She turned over and faced you, suddenly yearning to hold you because she needed the warmth of your embrace. She bit her lip and scooted closer to you. The thought of possibly disturbing your sleep made her feel a little sad.

But she was frustrated and exhausted and she wanted so badly to just fall asleep.

She brushed her hand along your arm and whispered your name in your ear to wake you. Slowly, you opened your eyes.

"Hm? Olivia?"

"Yeah," she whispered softly.

"Why'd you wake me? It's too early." You mumbled and she sank her teeth into her lip as guilt crept over her for waking you.

"I'm sorry. I just can't sleep."

Suddenly, sleep became the least of your worries and you reached over to brush your hand along her shoulder.

"What can I do?"

"Cuddle me?"

You nodded and moved into her arms. She breathed out a sigh of relief right away. She felt you cover her up with part of your blanket and it only warmed her heart more. She brushed her lips against the side of your head, feeling so warm and comfortable now that she had you to hold onto.

You tangled your legs with hers and rubbed her back as you buried your face in her shirt.

"Do you have anything on your mind? Something you want to talk about?"

"No." She spoke softly. "I'm feeling much better now."

"Me too." You smiled and kept your touch soft and slow, bringing her comfort.

She was so relaxed and her mind calmed down so greatly. She felt your lips brush along her skin and she held you a little tighter.

"What would I ever do without you?" She asked.

"Never worry about that, because I'm yours, always. Now sleep, baby. I've got you now."

"I love you." She said and began to drift off to sleep with a smile on her face, thankful that she has you to hold onto through everything.

Olivia Rodrigo Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now