she carries you to bed (requested)

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Olivia's eyes slowly fluttered open. She moved her head back to rest against the back of the sofa with a sigh, letting it roll around to crack it.

The room was dark as she opened her eyes to take a look around. The tv was black, on but asleep, like she'd once been.

She reached over to turn on the lamp and her movement caused you to stir. With big brown eyes, she stared down at you to find that you were sleeping on her lap.

She began to smile instantly, a bright one tugging at her lips as her eyes lit up over the precious sight.

Lately, she wonders if it's possible to fall more in love with you. Her entire heart belongs to you and she swears that she feels it swell in her chest and fill with indescribable love every time she stares at you.

But now, she finds herself falling even more in love as you make her only day off for the first time in weeks one of the greatest she's ever had; simply by being with her.

She's held onto you most of the day. Her hand stayed in yours, her lips brushing against yours every chance she got, her legs tangled with yours as she held you as close as she possibly could.

With movies, takeout, cuddles, and talks about anything and everything together - she was as happy as anyone could be.

It was a wonderful day, despite the fact that you barely left the sofa. She loved every second. She wanted another to come around so much sooner than she knew it would.

"I love you so much." She whispered as she leaned down to kiss the top of your head lovingly.

She brushed her fingers through your hair and looked at the clock. Her eyes went wide when she realized it was after midnight. The last time she checked the clock it wasn't even ten. The day truly had flown by much too fast for her liking.

She stared at you once more. She dreaded the thought of waking you. But she couldn't sleep on the sofa and she didn't want to sleep without you by her side.

She brushed her thumb along your shoulder, hoping she could slowly coax you awake.


You just let out a couple of soft sounds and tried to curl up closer to her. She shook her head with a sleepy chuckle. It was obvious you weren't getting up.

She sighed and rubbed her eyes before she got up. Carefully, she picked you up in her arms and made sure she had a good and secure grip on you before making her way up the stairs.

You laid your head against her shoulder and although you didn't fully awake, your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks and there was a tiny smile on your face as it felt like you were floating on a cloud.

You only opened your eyes when she walked into the bedroom. Your tired eyes locked with her bright ones just as she laid you on the bed. She was smiling at you, so sweet and bright that it made your heart skip a beat.

"Well, now you're awake, cutie." She teased and playfully booped your nose, giggling happily as you scrunched it up and then puckered your lips for a kiss.

"You carried me here?"

"Yeah." She whispered against your lips before kissing your temple. "You were out cold and it's late. You looked so cute and I didn't want to wake you. I figured I'd just carry you up here."

"Thank you." You smiled and leaned in to give her another kiss, only to pull her on top of you, causing her to burst out laughing.

"I love you so much, y/n." She whispered. "So, so much."

"Love you, Liv." You said as you put your head on her chest, curling up to her as she put her arms around you and tangled your legs together.

"Sweet dreams." She whispered and kissed your head once more, watching as you drifted back off to sleep in her arms.

Olivia Rodrigo Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now