can't stop kissing my girlfriend prank

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Nothing breaks your heart more than when you see Olivia feeling and looking so down.

When she arrived home just a few minutes ago, you could see the look of sadness in her big brown eyes and the sad smile on her face when you greeted her.

As she sat down beside you on the bed, she let out a sad sigh as she kicked off her shoes and then laid down without a word falling from her lips.

But you know a way to always cheer her up, one that's bound to make her frown turn upside down; showering her with kisses.

You were scrolling through social media earlier, spending a few minutes on TikTok, where you saw this cute little couple prank that you knew Olivia would adore.

And knowing it was bound to make her smile, there seemed to be no better time to do it than now.

You scooted closer to her and pressed a kiss to her cheek. You watched as she opened her big brown eyes and you saw sparkle just a little as she stared at you.

"Hi, baby," she whispered.

"Hi," you said as you kissed her cheek a few more times.

You moved to hover over her and for the first time since she walked through the door, she cracked a bright smile.

You began kissing across her face, each brush of your lips on her soft kissable skin made her heart flutter with happiness.

You continued and kissed across her body, from her chest to her stomach and even to her thighs and her hips.

"So many sweet kisses," she laughed as she put her hand on your back, tilting back her head with a big smile on her face as you kissed her neck and her collarbones.

"Your skin is so soft, Liv. So kissable. I just can't stop kissing you." You whispered against her soft skin.

You felt her hand move from your back and then felt it, as well as her other, travel to your hands.

She took ahold of them both, intertwining your fingers together as you pushed your lips onto hers, kissing them repeatedly.

"I love your kisses." She giggled against your lips. "But I'm not sure what I've done to deserve all of these sweet kisses from you, my love."

You kissed the corners of her lips and then kissed her shoulders, her heart so happy and so full that it almost burst from her chest.

"I just love you, Liv." You said as you stared up at her, your bright eyes locking with her adoring gaze. "I thought I'd pull this cute little prank on you, help cheer you up."

"I love it, pretty girl."She smiled and puckered her lips, tapping on them to wordlessly tell you that she wanted the next kiss you were about to give her to be on her lips.

"I love you. I love your kisses. I can't ever get enough of them or you."

You grinned and pecked her lips repeatedly a few times before pulling away and kissing down her arms to your intertwined hands.

"You feel happier?"

"Much happier." She assured as she closed her eyes, smiling from ear to ear as a soft sigh fell from her lips.

"Should I keep kissing you?" You teasingly asked, already knowing the answer as you continued to kiss her everywhere.

"Please do, darling. I don't want you to stop." She whispered, gazing at you with a look of adoration as she opened her eyes and stared into yours.

Olivia Rodrigo Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now