picnic dates (requested)

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"Just take a couple more steps," Olivia said as she guided you a little further down the path.

With her hands over your eyes to make sure that you couldn't see anything as she guided you through a park.

"Okay. This is perfect." She said as she stopped walking, making you do the same.

"Can I see what's going on now?" You asked with a chuckle and after Olivia kissed your shoulder softly, she uncovered your eyes.

"You can look."

You heard what sounded like rushing water before you even saw it but you were mesmerized by the view in front of you.

The spot in the park that you were at had a sight of a river rushing in front of you. You could see the sunset perfectly, watching as the colors painted the sky as it went down.

There were other people around soaking in what was left of the sun and this beautiful day but they weren't anywhere around you, so you were able to enjoy this sight with your girl.

"Wow..." You said as you looked around in awe.

"Sit down, darling." She said and when you looked at the ground to sit down, you saw that she had laid a blanket down on the grass.

You sat down on it and looked around again, noticing that there were a few flowers in the field.

"This is all so beautiful." You said. "What are we doing here though?"

Olivia sat down across from you, placing a picnic basket between you.

"We are here to have a date without any stresses or worries." She smiled. "No phones, no studying, no social media. Just us."

You loved the sound of that.

She put some food and drinks down on the blanket around the two of you.

From sandwiches to juices and teas to chocolate chip cookies, she had prepared a lot for this meal.

"Liv, this is amazing. It all looks so good."

"Yeah? I made it all myself." She proudly and brightly grinned.

That made your heart flutter and made this date even more special.

She put the empty picnic basket aside before putting her hand on yours before she started to play with your fingers.

"I know how stressed you've been lately. Work, college, life in general... it's been overwhelming you."

You sighed quietly before nodding your head, finally confessing that to her.

"I wanted to make you feel better. I wanted you to stop being so stressed and to see your beautiful smile again. I want you to be happy and feel good and enjoy a meal with me."

"Oh, baby," You said before giving her a big hug. "You're the sweetest."

She closed her eyes as she held onto you, hugging you for as long as you wanted her to.

She only let you go when you pulled back.

"You're so beautiful and so sweet, I can't believe you did all of this for me. How did I ever get so lucky?"

She took your hand into hers and brought it to her lips, adoringly staring into your eyes as she kissed it softly.

"You deserve it, Y/N. You deserve it all and more. I just want you to feel better and I want you to forget about everything else and enjoy yourself."

"I feel much better now, baby. Thank you."

"You're welcome. You deserve the world, my love." She smiled before leaning over to kiss your lips softly.

"I love you." You said as she grabbed a piece of fruit and put it in your mouth with a happy giggle.

"I love you more. Now, let's eat and enjoy this sunset, my beautiful girl." She said before she moved to sit down beside you.

You laid your head on her shoulder and ate while watching the sun go down as you giggled together about whatever came to mind.

You hadn't felt so happy or so content in so long as you did now and it was all thanks to your beautiful girlfriend.

Olivia Rodrigo Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now