butterflies (requested)

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"So, I'll be honest and confess something to you," Olivia said as you both finished the takeout you picked up on your way over to her house.

You watched her reach for the remote to turn the tv off before she turned her attention to you.

"What is it?"

She shook her head before getting up to go and grab her guitar before she sat back down.

"I'm actually a little nervous," she chuckled and watched you frown before you reached over to place your hand on her thigh. "I bet you don't even know that your touch makes my chest fill with butterflies."

Her words made your heart skip a beat.

Was she saying what you thought she was saying?

Because she often makes your chest fill with butterflies too.

"Liv, what are you saying?" You curiously asked and impatiently waited for her to answer.

She gazed into your eyes for a second before a small smile tugged at her lips.

"Sometimes, words don't come to my mind in moments like these. That's why I want to play this song for you."

"What's it about?" You asked as your eyes went big from surprise and Olivia's heart melted at the sight of a smile appearing on your lips.

"Well, that's what you're about to find out, cutie." She said before she started to strum her guitar.

The sweet pet name made your heart flutter yet again.

Over the several months that you've known Olivia, she's made you swoon quite a few times.

But this moment was different.

As she sang and as she looked into your eyes, you felt this fire filling your heart.

You realized then that she was singing everything that she's been wanting to tell you for so long now.

"The best part is knowin' there's someone in my life that makes it all worthwhile. It's you."

It was short but it was oh so sweet.

And Olivia looked so proud when she set her guitar down on the floor and then looked into your eyes, wondering if you got what she was trying to tell you.

"That's a beautiful song, Liv. You've got the voice of an angel."

She giggled before she reached her hands out to take ahold of yours.

"Thank you."

You gazed into each other's eyes and she exhaled shakily before parting her lips to say something that caught you off guard.

"I want to kiss you so badly."

But in the best way possible.

Your breath hitched and you felt your heart begin to pound against your chest.

"I've been wanting to for so long."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

She smiled at you before she leaned forward to put her lips on yours, giving you the best kiss that you've ever had.

She pulled you closer as your lips moved in sync and you wrapped your arms around her neck, feeling as though everything you've ever wanted was finally happening.

For so long, you've been head over heels for her, unaware that she's felt the same about you.

So feeling her lips on yours, finally, was everything to you.

When she pulled away, you were both breathless.

But it was clear that the desire you both felt to share more kisses was inexpressible.

"I'm crazy about you." She said as you reached out to cup her cheek. "I feel those butterflies again."

"I feel them too," you chuckled. "I'm crazy about you too."

She pulled you in for another kiss and this time, you gently cupped both of her cheeks in your hands while she wrapped her arms around you to keep you as close as she could.

Olivia Rodrigo Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now