Chapter 9

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Tamina was running out of ways to distract herself from the sick, empty feeling which had been gnawing at her gut since dawn.

She and Dastan stood on the cold mountainside, at the entrance to the cavern which led to the hidden sanctuary of the gods. They were waiting for one of the soldiers inside to emerge and tell them if it was safe to enter. A needling impatience was growing inside her with every passing minute.

A high wind whipped through her hair as she glanced at Dastan and saw that he was eyeing her carefully.

"Yes, Prince?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

He hesitated for half a second. "Your armour. Is it secure?"


He started to reach out to the bindings which secured lightweight padding to her torso. She spoke again with a slight edge to her voice. "We'll be called into the cavern soon."

His hand hovered at her side and he looked at her levelly. "Then you'd better let me check this now."

Tamina looked back at him, and he raised his eyebrows. After a beat, she gave a barely perceptible nod, and he stepped forward and started checking the fastenings along her sides.

"Are you ever going to stop fussing?" she asked quietly so that the soldiers nearby would not hear.

"Are you ever going to stop complaining?"

Tamina hmphed silently and glanced at the cavern entrance. It remained empty, so she looked around at the Persian and Alamutian soldiers dotted along the rocky outcrops, and threw an imperious glance to a soldier nearby who had stopped to stare at her and the Prince. The soldier's cheeks pinked as he turned away.

She looked back at Dastan, torn between annoyance and relief at the distraction he provided. He was bent over slightly and his hair fell in his face as he fixed a knot at her waist. His eyes were dark with total concentration despite the bright sunlight overhead, which glinted off his heavy armour and sheathed weapons.

She bit down on the thought that readiness for battle might be no help at all for whatever problems may lie ahead.

"I know you think you're the greatest warrior in the world, Dastan," she murmured; the Prince did not pause, but she saw a tiny movement in his lips and a brief shot of blue as he glanced up at her. "But I'm quite sure that my servants can fasten bindings just as well as you can."

Dastan pulled firmly on one final knot. "You're welcome, Princess." A breath puffed from her nose, and he stepped back. "There. How does that feel?"

"The same as before."

Dastan's lips quirked wryly and he paused for a second. Her jaw tightened a fraction as she saw that dark look at the back of his eyes; an edge of tenderness and desperation that was always there lately when he looked at her.

"It's not too tight, is it? You can breathe? Because-"

"No, Dastan. I can't breathe - but rather than do anything about it myself, I was just waiting for you to ask me."

Dastan shook his head and looked away. His lips quirked once more but his brow was heavy. Tamina felt a soft pressure in her chest; she reached out to brush the back of her hand against his, the ridges of their knuckles knocking together. He glanced back at her with his eyebrows slightly raised, and she offered him a faint smile which he returned.

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