Chapter 10

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   Moments later Tamina emerged into the dark cavern and took Dastan's outstretched hand.

"I can stand up by myself," she protested, but she allowed him to help her up.

Dastan's eyes crinkled. "You asked for my help, Princess, and you're getting it."

They and their two companions dusted themselves down and took in their surroundings apprehensively. Unlike the larger cavern they had just quitted, where gold coins and chests of treasure lay strewn around, the sanctuary of the gods was a smallish, plain chamber. It had a high ceiling and four walls made of misshapen boulders and rocks. They stood on a floor of uneven slabs of rock, some covered in moss. A slow trickling stream emerged from one corner and crossed the centre of the chamber.

Tamina inhaled slowly. Her heartbeat seemed to expand as she sensed the indefinable presence which had always permeated the chamber. She had memorised every part of this room as a girl, and knew immediately which rock was the sacred rock that her mother had shown her long ago. But her skin prickled as she turned to examine the whole chamber, and she stepped close to Dastan and spoke in a low voice.

"Something's wrong."

Dastan stopped in his tracks and looked at her with sharp focus.

"What is it?"

Her eyes darted around as she tried to pinpoint the problem. Then something clicked and she took in a breath, pointing to the wall at the opposite end of the chamber from the sacred rock.

"That wall. It's different. The shapes made by the rocks - the outlines..." She took a tiny step back. "And the cavern seems smaller."

She was prepared for Dastan to ask if she was sure or question her memory, but he simply signalled to Garsiv and Asoka and then paced silently over to the wall that she had indicated. Garsiv followed and the two of them inspected the rocks as Tamina waited, barely aware she was holding her breath. She watched as the two Princes started working together to push one of the largest boulders out of position.

There was a strange muffled sound that caused Tamina's breath to lurch. Then the rocks around the Princes suddenly crashed forwards, forcing them to jump out of the way - and over half a dozen men burst forth from behind the rocks, brandishing swords and yelling battle-cries. A loud gasp shuddered through Tamina as her companions drew their weapons as quick as lightning and launched towards their attackers.

The chamber filled with deafening blows and roars. Tamina watched in shock as swords sliced through the air and clashed together with blinding sparks. She saw Dastan attack, dodge and defend with what seemed like twice the speed of Garsiv and Asoka, who were both already astonishing fighters; but they were outnumbered by their attackers and she started in horror as she saw each of them struggle to fight off the other men.

With a jolt her attention snapped to the weight of the dagger hidden in her clothing. She threw a glance to the sacred rock behind them, her mouth falling open as she wondered for a moment - but one of the attackers noticed her and he slipped past the others to advance on her, his eyes narrowed and sword raised.

"Ungh-" Tamina managed to draw her sword just as he reached her. She threw her full power into parrying his blows again and again. Soon her arms began to shake and she realised with rising panic that though she could not feel the pain, her strength was fading. She dodged his sword as he lunged forward hard and drew a faint scarlet line from her arm-

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