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Previously on Missing Romero

"Jay, sit down." Murrey says softly. What the fuck. Why isn't he yelling? I gulp and sit down in front of his desk. I don't like surprises.

"Jay there is no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to come right out and whip the bandaid off." What bandaid?

"Your mother, Giorgia Smith, has passed. She got into a car accident with her boyfriend and... and she didn't make it."


"I'm sorry Jason."

Present Time

Jay pov


Did he just say that Giorgia is dead? Wow I don't know how to feel right now. I'm relieved and happy. But I should be feeling something other than that. Like sadness. That's not it though.

She wasn't really a mother to me. She was always more of a stranger that I unfortunately had to live with. I don't even have any good memories of her. All I've ever known is pretty much what happened last night. She is, or was, a drunk. A drunk who had hated me and neglected me, her own son. She fucked up my mental health and made me feel unwanted in life.

Now she's dead. What am I supposed to do? I'm still 16, I know they won't let me live alone. I'm going into foster care. Which could be just as bad, if not worse, than living with Giorgia.

But instead of asking those questions, I ask this one.

"Who was driving? Her or her... um... boyfriend." I cringe at the word boyfriend. She didn't have boyfriends, she had fuck buddies and one night stands that she sometimes repeated. Boyfriends weren't in the picture. Everyone must assume they're a couple though when really it was probably the man she was with last night.

"Your mother." I sigh. Of course it was her. Drinking and driving. I should have known that would be how her life would end. That or alcohol poisoning. Maybe an overdose. Giorgia didn't take much drugs. But occasionally after a long day of doing absolutely nothing, she would bring out the white powder. That or one of her so-called friends would come around with grams of bags and get her high.

I always had to clean up the mess the morning after. Even when I was tired as fuck because they kept me up all night with their partying.

"Let me guess, drinking and driving?" I ask bluntly. Murrey scratches his chin awkwardly. "Well yes. I wanted to break it to you more lightly, but I assume you already know enough about... well your mom's hobbies." I scoff.

"Understatement of the century, Murrey. Now the real question. Where am I going to go now? I don't have any family." And that's when a voice behind me speaks.

"That's the state's job, including mine, to figure out Jason." I cringe at my full name. I turned around to find a woman in her early forties for sure. She has black glasses that you would see grandma's wear in tv shows. She's wearing a grey pencil skirt with a button up white shirt that you would see church people wear.

Her hair is tied up in what looks to be a painful bun. There are absolutely no loose strands attached from any side. She looks like those stereotypical uptight, fancy ladies in shows.

She purses her lips at the sight of my outfit. I'm wearing whipped black jeans that are way too old. The color is a bit washed up from laundry and being worn so many times. I have a chain attached to the waistband of my jeans that goes down to my lower thigh. And I'm wearing an old Chemical Romance T-shirt I found at goodwill for cheap.

I don't miss the hint of disgust that shows in her eyes. Is she not a Chemical Romance fan...?

"So I got any family?"

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