ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 6

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This chapter starts with a  flashback from Jay's childhood, read at your own risk. 

Jay pov

"Mommy stop it!" I sobbed, clinging onto her pant leg. She kicked me off and I slid across the living room floor until my back hit the wall.

The silver barrel is still pressed on the right side of her head as she threatens to shoot herself in the head. The school councilor says that when you want to die or harm yourself, it's called suicide. And that if I ever feel like having those bad thoughts, I'm supposed to tell someone. I didn't think I would have to watch my mom threaten to kill herself at nine years old.

"Please!" I screamed, standing up on my shaky legs. Mom is 5'1 and I'm only 4'7. There's no way I can stop her with strength. Do I call the police? But the last time I did that, she kicked me out and forced me to sleep outside in the rain. What do I do?

"Please Mami! I'll be good!"

"Shut up." She gritted out. Her dark and cold eyes set onto mine. A storm of anger brews in those orbs that look nothing like mine. Her glare makes me shiver, and as I do, a river of tears fall down my red cheeks.

"Look at me, brat." I shook my head. "I SAID LOOK AT ME." I whimpered and looked up at her.

"Come here." She gestured. Reluctantly, I walked over to her until I stood in front of her. Her long claws gripped my chin so tight, I was sure there would be nail marks left behind.

"Do you know whose fault this is?" She hummed. I shook my head.

Please. Please, is what I wanted to say. Please stop talking. Please let me go. Please move the gun away from your head. Please don't leave me. I don't have anyone else. We need each other. 

She shook my head so hard, I started to feel dizzy.

She looked at me in disgust before shoving me away from her. I fell to the ground, my arm hitting the end table. I hissed and grabbed onto it, seeing a large cut going down my skin, and blood dripping out of it onto the oak floor.

She kneeled so she was in front of me. I was forced to look into the eyes of the woman who was supposed to be my mother. The woman who was supposed to protect and love me for the rest of my life.

Instead though, I didn't see a protector and I didn't see love. I saw hatred. I saw the eyes of the devil who boiled with malice.

"It's your fault." My heart dropped to my stomach and I let out a sob, squeezing my eyes shut hoping to get away from this monster who's standing in front of me.

"You're a disappointment. I regret not aborting you when I had the chance. If I did, I wouldn't be here wanting to shoot myself in the head from having to deal with such a mistake." I shook my head.

"Please." I whimpered. I saw the wrinkly hand grab onto my arm and pull me up to my feet.

"You're just like him." she slurred. I furrowed my brows completely confused. She always talks about this "he" but never says his name, and I never understand who she's referring to.

"I had high hopes for you. I thought you were going to be different but look at you, you're just as pathetic and useless as the rest of them." I pushed on her hand, trying to get her off me.

"Those damn eyes. That damn hair and face. You already look enough like him. And now you're acting like him too?!" I sobbed. I don't like being yelled at. Loud noises scare me. 

"I'm sorry! I won't do it again. I promise I'll stop fighting, I won't do it again just please don't do this." she scoffed.

"You're an ungrateful brat. Everything I've done for you, everything I've done for the both of us to survive and get out of there, and you do this? You're an embarrassment."

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