Chapter 1

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Me and Komaeda had finally escaped the Neo world program and were now living in our own house. With a normal life and a entertaining little cat. But Hajime has been up to something and it worries Komaeda.

3rd person POV

Ah yes Sal's cat Gizmo<3

Hajime woke up in a burst, almost throwing the blanket away. While Komaeda still managed to sleep. Their cat gizmo was laying on Komaeda, gizmo loved Komaeda more and Hinata knew that.

Hinata tried to silently get up from their bed without waking up Komaeda. He managed to get out of their bedroom still in his boxers.

Hinata had been planning this for almost two months now but still couldn't find the courage to do it.

After hearing gizmo coming down the stairs he assumed that Komaeda was also up. So Hinata decided to try to make some breakfast for them. And of course give gizmo his food.

After being done with the omelette Komaeda finally came down, hair up and a shower coat on.

"Good morning muffin." Hinata said as he put the plates on the table.

"Ah, good morning darling." Komaeda said yawning.

They both sat down to eat when gizmo peeked his head up on the table, now sitting on it.

"Gizmo! No paws on the table." Hinata said while picking up gizmo.

"Oh please darling let him give us company just this once?" Komaeda almost pleaded.

Hinata couldn't resist and had no choice but to let gizmo be in the table.

Komaeda looked outside the window into the beautiful nature they lived in, eyes glowing white admiration.
Hinata was very hungry so he just focused on his breakfast. Komaeda turned to him.

"What a wonderful day it is today." Komaeda said while still admiring the nature.

"It really is, that reminds me." Hinata said now finished with his breakfast

"Hm? What is it honey?" Komaeda asked kind of confused.

"Oh nothing just that I have to go outside to do something today, If that's okay with you?" Hinata said now with his fingers flumbering

"Oh no, no worries at all so what you please Hinata-Kun, I will be here in the garden or at the lake with gizmo if you need anything. Komaeda said with an angel like smile.

"Okay but then I'll just get changed and I'll be off!" I said while washing my dishes.

"Ah, wait! Before you go Hinata-kun! There's something I would like you to have."

"W-what, you got something for me??"

"Almost, but I thought you would like it.

Komaeda took Hinatas hand and placed a bracelet in his hand. Hinata stood in shock and then hugged and kissed Komaeda.

"Haha that tickles! But I'm happy you liked it" he said with a pleased smile.

Hinata was more than happy, actually this gave him the courage he needed.

He kissed Komaeda and gizmo in their forheads before leaving.

Closing the door Komaeda let out a sigh.

"Oh gizmo he is always out on such adventures. That's why I love him as I do."

Komaeda went upstairs and changed into garden clothes, boots, gloves and a hat. He also gave gizmo a little flower on his collar.

Meanwhile Hinata was outside, he was looking for the perfect flowers to give to Komaeda. He knew that he loved white Lily's. So he went to go look for them. After a lot of searching, he finally found what he was looking for. And a whole bunch of them too. He picked every last one and made a bouquet with them.

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