Chapter 2

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Hinata POV:

After he had finally fixed the bouquet to look nice, he let out a tired sigh.

'Man, I do all this and then it will probably end up me being a wuss' he thought to himself

'But... I love him so dearly and would do anything for him. He deserves the world.'

After putting a bow on the bouquet he walked back slowly to the house. He could not let Komaeda see him at any costs.

He saw Komaeda in the garden with gizmo, laughing and playing. They looked so happy fixing the garden together.

He snuck his way into the house, and put the bouquet under their bed. None of them ever looked under the bed anyways.

As he was in his way down again he heard the back door open. Terrified that he has been caught he snuck back under their bed and hid there.

"Hinata-kun?" He heard but didn't answer.

"Gizmo, what is he up to this time. Guess I won't ever get a chance to give it to him." He heard with a hard pouting heart.

Then there was a meowing sound.

"Oh right! Sorry gizmo, I forgot to feed you didn't I? Haha, silly me."

"But oh, I left your food in the garden."

Then there was a door opening and closing. Hinata then snuck back out of the bed and headed out to the front porch.

'Shit, I forgot the ring.'

He then started to sprint back to the place with the white Lily's. Then he saw the little box with the ribbon on it. He smiled looking at it. Inside the little box it said
'Nagito Komaeda ❤︎ Hajime Hinata

It was getting late and the sun had gone down, had he been out this long?

He hurried back to the house and when inside. He didn't see or hear Komaeda nor gizmo.

He went upstairs to their bedroom and saw both of them laying in the bed sleeping.

'These are the ones I want to spend the rest of my life with'

Hinata took off his tie, unbuttoned his shirt. And lastly took of his pants.

Now just in boxers he slipped into the bed next to Komaeda who was all warm. Gizmo laying on top of them.

"Hinata-Kun.... your finally back..." Komaeda said half asleep

"Yes, sorry that I was out for so long without telling you"

"No worries... my love.... your still here aren't you....?"

Komaeda then hugged Hinata and kissed his forehead and chest. Then fell into a soft sleep.

Hinata now blushing he hugged Nagito back and kissed him on his forehead too.

"Of course my love, I'll always be here..."

Then they both fell asleep in each others arms. With gizmo snoring up on Komaeda.

The morning upon, Hinata woke up alone in the bed.
He thought Komaeda just woke up early.

He got up and put on a coat. He went downstairs and saw Komaeda making pancakes.

"My love... what are you doing...?" Hajime said while he yawned

Komaeda looked back and gave a smile.

"I'm making your favorite, just because you deserve it."


"Here take the plate and sit down, you've been working hard for three days now honey."

Hinata sat down at the table.

"Hey Hinata-kun..." Komaeda said while washing the dishes.

"Yes, my love?" Hinata said while eating his pancakes.

"I would like to ask for a favor.." Komaeda said very shy

"Huh? What kind of favor?"

Komaeda looked at Hinata and then looked down.

"I would like to spend this day just us hanging out." He said

Hinata stopped eating and looked up at Komaeda, Komaedas face was all pink.

"What kind of question is that? Of course."

Komaeda looked somewhat shocked. Then he started to twirl his hair around his finger and his face turned more pink.

"But are you sure honey? Or would you just like to rest. You've worked really hard you know?" He said now with a more sad smile.

"Of course, I would choose you over anything."

Komaedas face lighted up. It was almost like his hair flew up too.

Hinata got up to wash his dishes when Komaeda came from behind.

"Thank you so so much honey, this really means a lot to me! I love you! I love you! I love you!"

Komaeda hugged Hinatas chest from behind and his head was on his shoulder.

(Gosh what happened to the font🙄🙄)

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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