♥The Tree House♥

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-Ciels' P.O.V-

It's only 10 in the morning and Elizabeth texted me. Telling me to go to our old tree house that's now kind of abandoned located the middle of the forest thats around our town...

Why at this time!

I have better things to do.

Like sleep, eat, go online, watch videos, sleep,eat and ON GOING!

I'm a busy Teenage Boy.

When i got to my destination i got up on the old steps. I opened the small door. I got in and closed the small door. Dusting myself i said:

"Alright Elizabeth why di- YOU??!"

When i looked up it wasn't Elizabeth. It Was Sebastian.

He sat on the opened Window edges. "What are you doing here?" He said confused."No, No, No WHAT ARE /YOU/ DOING HERE!?"I yelled he was about to speak but i he was cut off by the sound of someone locking the only exit and entrance door. I get near the Window and both of us stare who might be outside and locked the small door.

Then we see lizzie head pop out. Her closed eye smile means she's on to something.

"Hey guys!"she yelled. "I decided that you guys would like to sort things out..." she paused. "So i locked both of you there.", "LIZZIE OPEN THE DOOR NOW!"I yelled.

"what!? Sorry i can't hear you!" She giggled. I glared at her. She so can hear me. "Don't you worry I'll bring you snacks. Meanwhile have some fun!" She said giggling already running off.

"NO LIZZIE!GET BACK HERE! ELIZABETH!"I said leaning out the Window. Half of my body sticking out i was about to fall out but Sebastian pulled me in.

When he did i stared at him with a glare but he gave a his smile.

"You know... i love this idea of lizzie." He said looking at me then outside.

I scoffed. "Well i don't. I'd rather be at home sleeping."i said quietly with crossed arms. He chuckled softly. "So your still the same as always. Lazy, cute, sweet, smart, amazing in b-" i cut him off. "SHUT UP!"

"and bossy."

"I'm not bossy!"

"Oh yes."

"Am Not!"

"A cute kind of bossy"

"NO I'M NOT SHUT UP!" I blushed at grabbed a blanket and pillow. Which of course lizzie brought them in. "Pathetic. That's what i say. This whole idea is a stupid." I said putting the pillow on the ground and lie down. "Ahem... what are you doing?" Sebastian said. I turned away so i couldn't see him. "To sleep." I said coldly. "Aw i want to be your pillow" he said. Cheerfully. I grumbled. And went to sleep.

-Small Time Skip-



"Wake up."




"AHH! IM AWAKE IM AWAKE!" I sad sitting up. I whined. Why he wake me up~

"What do you want~" i whined again which made him chuckle. "Lizzie brought us snacks." He said standing up offering me a hand. I stared at it and was about to accept it but i declined and got up myself. He sigh.

"Did she bring any sweets?" I mummbled.

"Ah yes. Sebastian said getting out a bag of candy, pocky, bar of chocolates and cookies. I took the bag of candy and sat in the middle of the tree house. Soon Sebastian join me.

"Ciel" he said calmly. "What." I said once again coldly. He sigh. "Since we are here. Stuck alone in the middle of the forest i was wondering if you... you can give me another chance. A chance to let me explain everything to you."

I looked at him while i chewed on my gummybear.

"Ugh! This again really Sebastian. I don't care anymore. I don't care if you did or didn't cheated on me anymore." I paused, i put another gummy in my mouth and ate it. "I hate you & I'm over you already Just accept that." I said. When i did Sebastian had a frown and his eyes didn't glow like they used to...

He wanted to say something again but he couldn't. I could hear his breathing as if he was trying to calm down.

After a small silence he finally spoke. "What if i don't want to accept it?" He said. "Then i'd say your stupid enough to even try."

"I still love you ciel."

"And i don't..."

"It's been a year"

"A great year."

"Do you miss me?"


"I miss you"

"I miss my room "

"Forgive me?"



"No." I laughed and he glared at me.

What a fool.

"Ciel please let's not play around. Please listen to me for once" Sebastian said actually serious.

I sigh and put down my candy bag. "Alright"

"What happened in the park was not what you think." He paused and i rolled my eyes. And somehow the wodden wall got so attractive that i didn't dare to look back at Sebastian.

"The kiss didn't meant anything. I was on my way to get to you and she wouldn't let me go. I tried of convince her to let me go but she wouldn't she was holding me back. SHE kissed me i didn't", "oh but you seemed like you enjoyed it! " i said angrily. "NO I DIDN'T! Ciel-- did you know how i felt since that day!?? I couldn't eat, sleep, or even think right! And i still can't! It hurts me to know that your not there for me no more, that you don't care, that you moved on. But i didn't!" He paused. Before he could speak i began to talk. "I can't believe you anymore." I said now looking at him in the eyes. "The girl you were kissing at the park was in a relationship with YOU WHILE YOU WERE WITH ME! SHE TOLD ME! SHE WAS ALSO SORRY FOR ME! BUT I DIDN'T CARE BECAUSE I WAS ALREADY BROKEN!" I yelled. I felt my cheeks grow hot and my eyes start to water. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW I FELT! THE HUMILIATION! THE COMMENTS I'VE BEEN GETTING! BROKEN, ANGRY, SAD, WEAK, WORTHLESS, ABANDONED! THAT'S HOW I FELT! I EVEN SKIPPED SCHOOL FOR THERAPY. I DIDN'T WENT TO SCHOOL FOR A MONTH FOR SERIOUS STUFF THAT YOU CAUSED!"

I stood up and so did he when i was about to speak he put his hand on my mouth. I slapped his hand away. "I-Hate-You-!" I said threw gritted teeths.

"She lied to you... i never dated her... she was trying to get rid of us... and she succeeded... after this day... i-i promise you... that we'll be strangers again... I'll... leave you alone and never speak to you again... like you wish...and im sorry for everything..." he whispered with a broken voice. He quickly looked away from me and walked to the Window. "S-s-Sebastian..." i whispered. I couldn't believe he actually gaved up. 'Well i would have given up months ago' i think to myself. "Mm."he answered back. But i didn't i felt my heart race pick up and my eyes start to water again. I couldn't hold it and sobbed. Falling down to my knees. I felt Sebastian eyes starring at me. But i ignored it. 'I'm such an idiot.' I think to myself.

Yes i hate him.

Yea i moved on.

But there is something holding me back.

I felt his hand on my shoulder. But didn't dare to look up. Soon he cupped my face with both of his hands and made me face him. When i did my eyed widen he had a few stained tears. He smiled.

"I'll miss you." And  kissed my forehead bringing me into a hug. I hugged back. I was still shocked. We are hugging again and it felt right. I felt... safe.

But this is our last hug.

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