♥Over thinking & Forgiving♥

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-Ciel P.O.V-

I'm going to apologize to Sebastian.

I was to hard on him most of all cruel.

I hate him, yes i do... or do i?? UGH I DON'T EVEN KNOW!...

But he was begging for forgiveness for an entire year! And i always rejected him... I will apologize to him today once i see him.

"I wish you good luck ciel, if anything goes wrong i'm here okay." Bianca smiled at me, i smiled back and nodded. We waited for Sebastian to come to his locker and when he did he looked wrecked.

He looked angry and sad at the same time. His eyes no longer glowing in happiness like they usually do.

My heart ached. I hate him... but... but.....

Somewhere inside my heart is telling me that i still care for him. But my mind tells me a different story...

Bianca took noticed of my emotions and smiled.

"It'll be okay... i know Sebastian won't bring you down. He loves you too much..." she whispered to me. I smiled and nodded.

I took a few moments to finally walk up to Sebastian. He was currently opening his locker and taking out some books.

I was aside from him.

"H-hey Sebastian i wanted to apoli-"

I got cut off. He slammed his locker and took off.

My eyes widen. My heart ached terribly i held my books closer to my chest.

He ignored me...

And took off as if i wasn't there.

"HEY SEBASTIAN GET YOUR SORRY BUTT OVER HERE"Bianca yelled almost making the people around here scared... she then turned to me "maybe anoth-"I took off before she could finish her sentence. Quickly losing her from the crowded hallways.

i head to my class. I would skip class but i'm not that type of person. But the bad thing about this class is that Sebastian is my Lab Partner... how will we cooperate?

With a sigh i sat down and keep looking at my note book. Bianca then came in and stood by myside.

"Pizza After school... don't question it."

She murmured and sat on Sebastian seat. I didn't look at her i just stared at my notebook.

"Ciel... i know its hard... the pain... the confusion... your heart say... 'yes forgive him, apologize to him, a second chance won't hurt...' but your mind is saying 'no... don't fall for his tricks... don't break your own heart again'... i know how you feel... and it will all get better trust me." she said in a whisper but only loud enough for me to listen. I sigh.

"I--- this is all so confusing... just like you said... my heart says second chance but my mind says no... i love him... then i don't... i just hate him. But--- i don't even understand myself" i whispered. There was a moment of silence.

"Well... Maybe because your still not ready- obviously- but when you are ready... your heart and mind will agree to the same thing..."she said with a small smile. I nodded "thanks "i said in a whisper she smiled again at me and went to her seat.

She has a point though...

And really pizza what's wrong with this girl...

As everybody got in Sebastian took his seat, not glancing towards me but began doing his Science Notes Warm ups.

"Sebastian??" I murmured. Sebastian grip tighten on his pen. I sigh and placed a hand on his. He flinched and looked at me. I could tell my face was filled with sadness and concern because his death glare soften. "What is it." He said with no emotion. I looked at him in the eyes for a moment and spoke. "I apologize for everything... i was blind... i'm a fool... i'm sorry for everything i have done.." i whispered. He smiled but then sigh.

"Mr. Phantomhive, you shouldn't be apologizing to something that has never happened."

My eyes widen, i swear my heart skipped for a minute. I was panting. His words are like a slap of razors.  Is he saying that WE never happened that an US never existed?? He only uses the title "Mister" to people he doesn't know or people who aren't his friends. I look away from him and whispered. "Excuse me." And with that i ran out of the class.

-time skip-

-Sebastian p.o.v-

"Mr. Phantomhive, you shouldn't be apologizing to something that has never happened." I said tryin so hard not to put emotion to it. I watch his eyes widen and his breathing because uneven. My heart broke and i looked away.

Isn't this what he wanted all along?

Didn't he want me to get out of his life?

I did heard a rumor about how confused he is about "Us". And that he somewhat still cares for me... but they are rumors. He did told me he hates me right in my face.

My thoughts were cut off when i heard him run out. Our teacher yelled at him to come back but he never did.

W-where is he going?

Did i hurt him again!!?!

I'm an idot i shouldn't hae never said that!

"I'll get him Mr.Benson" i said with a weak smile. He took a moment but nodded as approval. And with that i ran out of the class room.

I see him take a right and thats when i began to run faster trying to catch up. "Mr.Phantomhive!" I yelled out. Ciel was about to leave the building door but i stopped him and pulled him closer to me.

He pushed me away a bit and glared at the floor.

"Mr.Phantomh-"he cut me off. "Why..." he said clearly broken. "Sorry wha-", "DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT SEBASTIAN! I AM NOT A CLASSMATE OR A STRANGER TO YOU SO STOP IT WITH THE "MR. PHANTOMHIVE" OKAY!"

I sigh and looked away.

"W-Why! Would you tell me that!?" He said. Confused i turn to look at him only to receive tears rolling down his cheeks swiftly. "What bothers me most is that you said 'you shouldn't be apologizing to something that has never happened.' Its like saying WE never happened nothing that happened between us was never true! It hurts me like hell! Because i STILL LOVE YOU SEBASTIAN!BUT I'M NOT READY TO GIVE YOU A SECOND CHANCE. I'M CONFUSED OKAY! I ALWAYS THINK ABOUT YOU BUT THEN MY MIND IS TELLING ME TO FORGET ABOUT YOU! YOU CONFUS- nnngphh" i couldn't take it any longer. I cut him off with a kiss and he kisses back. It was deep and passionate, it was amazing i brought him closer and i felt his arms wrapped around my neck. It felt amazing. For a moment i forgot where i was.

As our lips Slowly departed he rested his forehead on mines hugged me. I made him face me and with my thumbs i cleared his tears away...

"I'm really really sorry..." i whispered, hoping that this time he will accept my apology. There was a small silence and i felt him nodd. "Apology accepted... but... i am sorry too..." he whispered. "It's okay ciel... but... I'll give you time to think... your worth the wait " i whispered back he nodded and brought me into another hug wich i gladly hugged him back.

Your worth the wait... my sweet ciel...

And i wanted to let you know that my O/C bianca is not going to be included here much... so yea. Sorry if you don't like OC's but who else would i put as ciel best friend... i would put Elizabeth but i would of wanted somebody who is not related to ciel or kuroshitsuji. Thanks again for all the reads and all ilysm))

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