Sorry Note & I'm Back!

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Hey guys I'm back!

I really have alot to say but I'll try to sum it up (:

First of all I'm very sorry for leaving and ending this story terribly wrong. I didn't mean to do that I was just not motivated and stressed out. The hate comments really made me feel bad of myself. I've never said this before but English is not my first language so please don't be rude.

Secound of all yes I'm back, I'm going to start over with this fanfic. It's going to be different and less innocent. You'll find out what I mean by less "innocent"

Some of you might consider "Re:FILAOA" as another sebaciel fanfic but it isn't really. It has a big twist and is based in another different setting. Sebastian and ciel are a little different on the Re: Fanfic. I'm the worst at explaining so please read the Re: Falling in love all over again - Sebaciel AU. If you want to understand.


Many of you might remember or still know the instagram RP sebaciel account; Seba_Ciel_
[[I'm not so sure if it's still a RP account]]

Many of you know that I left that account and let my friend take over... And a few of you might know who this friend is. Jinx W.

Yeah his real name is actually Jinx. When I first met him I ask for a birth certificate 😂

Anyways the reason why I'm bringing him up is because.... ohgodsomeofyouwillhateme! I asked him if he wanted to be part of this fanfic. He said no at first but after begging and annoying him he finally gave me permission to add him on the RE: fanfic.

"Why do you want him to be part of the fanfic?"

Good question aha! Well you see I want to get used to writing Male!Reader x Ciel/or Sebastian because I've seen many males that have a cute little crush on Ciel and sebastian and I think they deserve x reader fanfics aswell like all fangirls do.

Not only is he going to be in this fanfic but I'm also planning to do these small contest, for whoever wins they'll be able to be part of this story aswell. So basically what I'm doing is brining REAL people to a fictional world (:


I'm so sorry.... terribly sorry. Jinx is ashamed of this and he can't believe what I'm going to do to him on this story....

Yes... that's right.... for the sake of the plot he'll be taking role as not a friend but Ciel's boyfriend.

BEFORE YOU START COMPLAINING AND GETTING JEALOUS!! I decided to not add OCs. My o/c "Bianca Rosemary" won't be part of this fanfic. Maybe... I'm still thinking about that.

I'm using him. For his cute looks, his weird personality and his style. He won't act the same way he acts in real life though.

Call me weird and all but this is really the whole point of the plot and the title " FALLING IN LOVE ALL OVER AGAIN " which is basically sebastian and ciel falling in love with each other again.

Don't worry jinx and ciel will break up in a few chapters- I won't spoil this.

I've also kind of stalked him and his boyfriend which gave me alot of sebaciel ideas... that's another reason why I'm adding him here.

I'm sorry if you don't like that idea but trust me there will be alot of sebaciel fluff even while jinx and ciel are together. I feel weird saying "Jinx and ciel" pfft common he is my friend but oh well! I don't ship Ciel with any other character and making a new O/C sounds like a lot of work!

Anyways thanks for being patient. RE: FILAOA still hasn't been posted but I will post it in a few days I'm currently still working on the first chapter.

Oh yes! I forgot to mention this! I'll be taking some parts of this fanfic to the RE: FILAOA that is why it's a re-made fanfic and not and new/different one.

-Lazy Kitten/Scummy Cat
(I need a new nickname :/ )

Ps: I've gotten pretty strict now, so I won't update the fanfics if it doesn't get enough votes or comments....

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