♥ Beautiful Tears ♥

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"SEBASSTIANNN!!!" Ciel yelled while he walked down stairs. Sebastian sighed in annoyance. Ciel has been... childish lately. "Yes ciel?" Ciel let himself fall on the couch and childishly yelled "I AM HUNGRYYY!~" it was more of a whine. "Your always hungry" Sebastian chuckled and went back to his phone. Ciel pout. "Make me FOOD!" Sebastian eyebrow twitch 'why is he acting like this'. "Why should i...?" Ciel glared at Sebastian 'is he being serious?' "SEBASTIAN!I-AM-HUNGRYY!! ALSO YOU ARE THE BABYSITTER AND I, YOUR BOYFRIEND, CIEL PHANTOMHIVE IS STARVING AND WANTS YOUR LAZY BUTT TO GET UP AND MAKE ME FOOOD!!!! AND WHO IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME!" Ciel said sounding like a pissed off wife. Sitting on Sebastians lap. Sebastian chuckled and kissed the tip of his nose of his boyfriend. "Okay, okay, i'm sorry... it's just that you haven't been yourself lately... I'll cook for you but- you have to tell me what is bothering you. Are you feeling okay?" Sebastian said rubbing his hands up and down ciels waist. Ciel glared and bit his bottom lip. "I-..." ciel looked at Sebastian then down to his hands. "I'm alright..." ciel murmured, he looked at Sebastian again but with bored eyes. "I'm fine! Okay."ciel said getting off of Sebastian laps and left to his room. Sebastian sigh with a frowned. 'Maybe if i make him his favorite cake he'll tell me' Sebastian smiled and quickly went to the kitchen.

* * *

-Sebastian p.o.v-

I knocked at ciels bedroom door. "Hey ciel..."i opened the door and smiled. Hoping he would look at me in the eyes and smile at me... a real smile. Ciel was face-down to his bed, hugging a stuffed rabbit. "Ciel?" I said his name again but he didn't answer. "I made you your favorite cake" with that he turned to look at me. My smile dropped he is... sad. His frown and sad eyes really hurts me. "Ciel what's wrong, please tell me" i said and made him sit down. "Nothing! I already to you that... i'm fine."ciel said looking down at his laps and played with his fingers. I bit my lip. "Ciel..."

He looked at me and smiled. "Don't worry Sebastian... i'm still not ready to tell you. It's nothin important trust me." He smiled and brought me into a hug. "I love you" he murmured snuggling up with me. I smiled and rubbed invisible circles on his back. "I love you too... and to show it i made you your favorite ca-", "that could wait" my eyes widen. I grabbed ciel from both of his shoulders and pushed him away "are you sure your okay?" He glared at me and rolled his eyes. "Tch! Your annoying me Sebastian. I have told you i am OKAY!! I DON'T CARE ABOUT CAKE RIGHT NOW I JUST WANT TO SNUGGLE WITH YOU! YOU'VE BEEN ON YOUR PHONE THE ENTIRE DAY!!IF YOU WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH YOUR FRIENDS THEN LEAVE! I COULD LIVE WITH OUT YOU!" Ciel angrily left the room, slamming the door shut. But came back only to take the cake with him then left again.

I bit my bottom lip. Okay that hurt me more than anything else. I frowned and sat at the edge of the bed. What ever he doesn't want to tell me is changing him. Why won't he just tell me... with a sigh i got up and went down stairs to apologize to ciel. "Hey ciel i-" i paused. He isn't in the living room. Probably in the kitchen. "Hey ciel i wan-" i pout and glared at nothing. He isn't here either. Probably at the backyard i went and nope he isn't here. Where could he have gone? ... PORCH!

I quickly ran to the front door. I got out and quickly noticed ciel. He was sitting on the stairs playing with the cake i made. With a sigh i sat down next to him. He noticed me but didn't say anything. We stayed like that for a moment. But then i decided to speak. "Ciel..." i paused waiting to see if he has anything to say. He didn't. I tried to make him face me but he slapped my hands away. I frowned. "I-I'm sorry..."... "i didn't meant to annoy you... or to get you angry. I'm sorry love, please please look at me... please forgive me" i begged and waited for his response. When he didn't say anything i spoke again. "I-if you want me to leave i can't... i promise your aunt that I'll stay, to keep you company, to entertain you, to make sure you don't burn down the house." I smiled a bit when i noticed a small smile on his lips. "I love you..." i added, removing the plate from his laps i brought him closer to me. He didn't say anything but hugged me back. After a while of hugging and cuddling he spoke "i'm sorry..." i kissed his cheek and carried him back inside the house.

I hope you'll tell me what's troubling you ciel...

* * *

-Ciel P.o.V-

I woke up from my nap. Apparently i feel asleep as Sebastian calmed me down. I sigh i should tell him... why do i find it hard to tell him?

I got out of bed and went downstairs. He didn't slept with me? I frowned "Sebastian?" I smiled with a sigh. "Dork..."i whispered and kissed Sebastian neck since i can't reach up to his face unless i tiptoe. Dam my shortness. Sebastian smiled and placed our breakfast on the table. "Morning" he whispered still sounding sleepy. "So do you want to... go out today? We haven't been anywhere since the day we went to the beach" i said pouring myself orange juice. Sebastian raised a brow "2days ago?" I blushed it feels like weeks. "Okay okay, i just want to hang out, spend more time with you. Maybe go to that special tree where we had our first kiss." I said while blushing but i kept my eyes on him. Sebastian chuckled and nodded. "Alright then. I'll take you out today but you have to wash your laundry, clean your room and take out the trash. " Sebastian said with a closes eye smile. I glared at him. 'Since when did he become my mom?' My glare soon become a smile.


[[A/N: hello... sorry if you wanted fluff. And if your confused ciel is angry at the fact that he can't bring himself to tell Sebastian the problem *that will happen soon, i can't tell youu~* and so he is being a bit of a brat towards Sebastian. And i wanted to update before i go to classes !:3 hope you liked the chapter ]]

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