1• lunch is on you

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Who the fuck is waking me up at...what time is it?

I grab my phone to see the time and it reads '6:00 am.'

I swear I will kill someone.

"Maci." I hear a voice sing. I recognize the voice as my best friend Liam.

"I hope you're not naked." He says and pushes open my door.

"Liam! What the actual fuck! We don't have school today!" I complain.

Me and Liam are graduating high school this year. Soon we're going to be sent out into the world to try to figure out what the hell we're doing with our lives.

Liam is almost as tall as my doorway, being 6'2. He folds his muscular arms across his chest just making them bulge more and look twice as big. His brown wavy hair almost falls over his bright emerald green eyes.

"It's time for our run tigger." Liam says and smiles revealing his perfectly white teeth.

Liam has called me tigger ever since grade school. We both liked Winnie and the Pooh so it just stuck with us.

"No. It's time for me to sleep and you to go the hell away." I say and pull my blankets over my eyes.

"Come onn." He sings. "Don't make me throw you over my shoulder." He threatens.

"Lee! I need sleep! All this beauty doesn't happen by staying up all night." I say.

"Of course not. It happens by makeup."

"Fuck off!" I say and throw a pillow at him.

"Come on tigger." He whines.

I throw myself off of my bed and onto my feet.

"I swear I will kill you one day." I tell Liam.

"I'll be waiting outside!" He says cheerfully.

Me and Liam has had a deal every since junior year that I would go on a run with him everyday. He got bored with doing it by himself so I was the next option.

I grab a pair of black running shorts and a white t shirt to wear for our run.

I am not prepared for this at all. I just wanted to sleep for hecks sake! I go to the middle of my room and pick up the pillow that I threw at Liam. Yes, I'm a neat freak. So what, sue me.

"Oh momma lookin fine this mornin." Liam says when I walk out of my house.

Liam is a little bit of a player, I'll admit.

"Shut up." I groan.

We try to walk a mile every morning. It's a lot to accomplish and I wouldn't do it at all if it wasn't for Liam.

"Race?" Liam smirks.

"Where to?"

He points to a fire hydrant a couple houses down.

"You're on." I smirk back.

"Ready? Set! Go!" He yells.

I take off and for a minute I thought I was doing good, but then Liam appeared beside me and soon enough he was ahead of me.

I swear baseball boys have it all. Especially the butt. I let my eyes trail down to his bubble butt that jiggles along with him.

Man that's hot.

"I win!" I cheekily smiles when he turns around.

"Ugh! You always win!" I complain.

"Because I'm just better than you."

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