2•you're so hot

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"Hey dad." I say walking into the kitchen to get a banana for breakfast.

He looks up at me and mutters a 'hey' and goes back to looking at his iPhone.

My father isn't the most intentative person. He's also not the nicest person so I'm actually not sure how he's mayor at all.

"Love you too dad." I mumble walking up the stairs.

When I walk back into my room I close my door and sit down at my desk to start writing in my daily journal. Every morning I write down what I'm appreciative of and 5 things that I will get done today.

I turn around to see if I had made my bed or not. I have awful short term memory.

I let out a squeal when I see a male body sprawled across my bed. Then I realize it's just Liam.

"Lee what the fuck?"

"Sorry did I scare you?" He smirks whole sitting up.

"How did you even get up here?" I ask.

"Your balcony is not hard to climb up to. What's that you're writing in?" He asks getting up and walks towards me.

"Nothing." I say and close my journal.

"It's not nothing. What is it?" He asks and snatches it up.

I stand up and try to retrieve it but he holds it up above his head. Real smooth.

"Liam I'm not jumping for it. Give it back." I demand.

"Can I read it? Is it about your undying love for me?" He smirks.

"Shut up." I say smacking his chest.

He runs out to my balcony and puts them journal on the chair then proceeds to sit down on it.

"Lee! Get the fuck up!"

"I'm good." He says folding his arms behind his head and laying back on the chair.

I groan out loud then plop down in the chair on the other side of the door.

"Whats in the journal?" He asks calmly this time.

"It's just a way to center myself in the morning. Just stuff I'm appreciative for." I sigh out.

I leave out the fact that his name is in about every page in that journal.

"You okay tigger?" He says sitting up in the chair.


"Cmon. I know you better than that. Don't be silly." He teases.

"Do you ever just want to live a different life? One where your parents are actually home to give you the attention you need? One where you don't get loads of attention everywhere you go? It just gets so old Liam." I admit to my best friend.

He stands up and walks over to my chair. He opens his arms for me; I stand up and walk into them.

He rests his chin on top of my head.

"All the time tigger."

We stand there hugging for a couple of minutes until I back out of his arms.

"You okay?" He sincerely asks.

"I will be." I say with a smile.

I walk into my room and sit down on my bed with my legs crossed in front of me. Liam comes and sits beside me in the same position.

"I got to get dressed." I announce.

"Why, where we going." He asks.

Nice of him to assume he's coming to.

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