4•not today satan

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I prop my elbow up on the counter and set my head in my hand.

Boss man called me last minute and made me come in on a Saturday and I'm not too happy about it.

Me and Liam were supposed to go hang out at the park today then he was gonna take me out to dinner but those plans went to shit.

I feel a presence come up in front of me at the counter.

"What can I do for you?" I ask flatly and sit up straight.

I'm greeted with the mystery man that I met on Monday.

"Ah not very happy I see." He says in his ponderous voice.

He's dressed in a black button up shirt and blue jeans. How can he pull something so simple off so well?

"Just tired." I and smile at him.

"Well maybe I can take you out of coffee." He says.

Is he asking me out on a date right now?

"I actually have a long shift today." I turn him down.

"Oh." He says with hurt evident in his voice.

"But I'd be happy to go after." I give in.

Did I just really agree to go on a date with this man I don't even know? This is a stupid idea.

His eyes light up and he smiles at me.

"That's great. Just give me my regular, please." He says.

He acts like he's being coming here for years and I should know what he wants off the top of my head.

Black coffee.

It's not that hard to remember.

"3.35" I say and he hands his card over.

"When do you get off?" He asks me.

I hand his card back to him after it registers.

"2:30." I tell him.

"I'll be here." He flashes a toothy smile then walks out of the coffee shop.

I don't know how I feel about going on a date with this guy. I mean I don't even know him.

The bell to the door rings so I look up. I'm greeted by my best friend.

"Hey Lee!" I say happily.

Should I tell him about my date?

"When your lunch break?" He asks me.

I check my Apple Watch to see what time it is.

"Uh 5 minutes." I say and look back at Liam.

"Okay great." He says and sits down at one on the bar stools in front of the counter.

"So hows your day going?" Liam asks me.

Well this would be the perfect time to tell him about mystery man. Oh gosh, I don't even know his name!

"Good. I actually got asked out." I say biting my lip.

His eyes cloud over with something I'm not familiar with. That can't be hurt, can it?

"That's awesome." He says clearing his voice.

Why is he acting weird? I've never seen him act like this before; ever.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah I'm fine." He says.

His eyes return to normal and his puts a big smile on his face.

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