3•stop crying

14 7 16

this chapter deals with rape. also it has smut kind of so just a warning!

"Maci! Liam's here!!" My mom yells from downstairs.

My mom has weird work days. She works Wednesday through Sunday and is off Monday and Tuesday. It's really unfortunate because I never get to see her.

Liam called me this morning and insisted to drive to me to school today since it's our first day of our senior year. He told me he wouldn't be able to go on our walk today because he had to get ready for his ladies. Yes ladies, as in plural.

I just can't wait to hear all of the rumors that have been passed around about me and Liam. Especially since the things I told Kirsten last night. Oh god I'm so stupid!!

My head starts pounding harder because my brain is yelling. Who even parties when they have school the next day? Apparently it's me; I do.

I grab all of my necessities for school and head out of my room.

"Bye mom. I love you." I say hugging her.

"Love you babe." She says as I walk out of the house.

I feel like the life I live is so cliche. I live the life everyone wants, yet I don't want it. I mean, I'm popular. Guys and girls literally follow me around school like some pet. And my parents are never home. Like at all. Anyone who wants my life can have it. I'll even give it to you for free.

"There's my number one girl." Liam says watching me climb up in his truck.

"I better be. I worked my ass off for that position." I tell Liam.

"You ready to go see our fans?"

"Ugh" I groan and throw my head back.

"Someone else can have them. I don't want them anymore."

"You know you love them. The way the just follow you around everywhere just to look as popular." He teases.

"I hate being popular. How did I even get here?"

"Maybe because your dad is Mayor?" He says in a questioning voice.

"True. Then how did you get there?"

Liam's parents may be rich but they're not very known people.

"Because I'm your best friend."

"Ah. Makes sense."

"What's so great about us? Why do they think we own the school or something? Were just regular people for hecks sake!" I complain.

"I have no idea. I mean we are pretty awesome people but I agree."

"You know what you're famous for?" I ask Liam giggling.

"What's that?" He asks.

He looks over at me with amusement in his eyes then hurriedly puts them on the road again. I've never met a safer driver than Liam.

"Your baseball butt." I say and smile.

"I do have a pretty stunning butt." He says stoking his chin.

I laugh at his response.

"You know what your famous for?" Liam asks me.


"Your body. That's all guys can ever talk about and can I just say it's disgusting? Not your body because that's great but that's all they care about ya know?" He rants.

"So just like you?" I ask him.

"I'm not like that!" He exclaims.

"Bull! Okay what was your favorite thing about Marisa?"

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