5•he's cute

28 4 19

I wake up to the sound of silence.

No screaming, no Liam, no phone calls, no nothing.

Not that I would consider this a bad thing but I always wake up to something. I haven't slept in in years.

I check my phone for the time. '9:32' it reads. My head pounds at the sudden light. Why does my head hurt so bad?

Okay maybe I didn't get to sleep in that much. It sure did feel like it though.

I groan and throw myself out of bed. I grab my phone so I can call Liam; It's so weird him not being here going through my stuff when I wake up.

Wait- how did I even get home last night?

"Hello?" He says groggily.

My head starts pounding again at the noise.

We must've stayed up late last night. Why can't I remember anything?

"How the hell did I get home? And what did we do last night? I can't seem to remember anything." I explain. 

"That's probably because you got so drunk you couldn't even stand." He tells me.

Oh my gosh. I'm such an alcoholic!

I groan into the phone. I'm such an idiot!

"Why would you give me alcohol?"

"I didn't! You stole my parents alcohol when you went down to get a snack. You got so dunk. You just kept rambling on about how hot I was then you kept crying for absolutely no reason; so I brought you home." He explains.

Why do I always have the tendency of telling him he's hot when I'm drunk?

"I'm so sorry." I say blushing.

"It's okay." He chuckles.

"I'm starting to think you have a thing for me."

"Ugh in your dreams." I say fake gagging.

"Mmm you know it. You'll be gagging just like that too."

"Lee that's so nasty!" I say a little too loud for my pounding head.

He just laughs into the phone.

"So are we gonna hang out today orrr?" I ask.

"Can't. I have baseball practice." He tells me.

"On a Sunday? Okay now you're just making excuses to not hang out with me."

"I would never! And yeah I'm not sure why coach would do that. Everyone's pissed but it's an emergency practice." He explains.

"Okay we'll have fun at practice. Bye!"

"Bye tigger." He says and hangs up the phone.

What the heck am I supposed to do now? I should really invest in more friends.

I walk downstairs on the cue of my stomach growling.

"Hey momma." I say coming downstairs.

She looks up from her food and smiles at me.

"Hey baby. Are you free today?" She asks me.

"Yeah. Actually I am."

"Good because we're gonna have a girls day!" She says happily.

"Oh that sounds fun! I'll go get ready." I say grabbing an apple and some Tylenol.

I walk upstairs while eating on my apple.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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