5. liminality

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I didn't sleep for three days.

I stayed awake, waiting for Niall to call me. After we ran into each other, we went to the little shop where he usually went. He introduced me to his friend, Liam, who worked there. And it all seemed to be going great. He walked me back to my house and even kissed my cheek before stuffing his hands in his pockets and walking off down the sidewalk. I waited for him to call me the next day. But he never did. I just brushed it off thinking he was busy, yet my mind occupied me all night that night. I kept asking myself, "what if since he finally saw my face he doesn't want to hang out with me anymore?" I pushed this thought into the back of mind because he isn't like that. Right?

The next day, I waited. I thought about calling him but I didn't want to seem clingy.

The third day, I spent in bed, thinking. I wasn't expecting him to call me. I was tired of getting my hopes up. The bags under my eyes had become so visible that the skin started to sink in around my eyes. And my cheeks had been sunken in too, due to my lack of appetite. 

The fourth day was the last fucking day I was going to wait. So, I grabbed my phone and dialed his number, listening to the dial tone. I listened to his ragged breathing on the other line. I sighed.

"Niall, please." I begged. And he breathed in really deep and let it.

"Nix. I'm sorry I haven't called you. I'm having a bit of a crisis at the moment. I hope I didn't cause you too much of a worry." He said.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I heard things fall in the back ground and him scrambling to get them, I'm guessing.

"I'm okay, Nix. I promise." He whispered.

"No, Niall. I, please. You gotta, I tell you everything. Please. I'm not one to judge and you fucking know that. Please." I said.

He sighed. "Only my family and Liam know about this. Okay? You just, don't tell anybody, alright?  I, um, I have a disorder." He said. My eyebrows furrowed.

"What kind of disorder?" I asked.

"I have OCD." He mutters. "The reason I haven't been calling you is because its been acting up really bad and if I called you I would've repeated every word twice. I'm sorry. I should've texted you or something. I really am sorry. You must've been worried. I'm sorry." He said.

"Stop saying sorry, ya dork. I'm coming to your house. Text me your address. I'll be on my way." I said, hanging up.
I made myself look decent (which was only putting on shoes and pulling my sweats on) and went downstairs. My mom was sat on the sofa, reading. She looked over at me when she heard the front door squeak open.

"Where are you going, love?" she called out to me, looking back at her book. I sighed, walking over to her.

"I'm going to a friends house." I said. She put her book down and looked at me again.

"Which friend?" she asked.

"Niall's." I muttered. She sat up and patted the seat next to her for me to sit.

"That sounds like a boys name." She chuckled nervously.

"Yeah.. because it is." I replied.

She cleared her throat, seeming to be uncomfortable. "Where did you meet this boy at, Nix?"

"The park. Its no big deal mom, we're just going to hang out." I half lied, shrugging. She nodded and waved her hand in dismissal.

"I trust you. Be careful. Love you." She said.

"Love you too." I said, walking out the door. I checked my phone to see Niall had texted me his address three times.


Knocking on Niall's door, I felt my hands begin to shake, my teeth chattering, not from the cold weather. The door slowly opened, revealing a blue eye.

"Hi, Niall. Mind if I come in?" I asked, shaking my hands to make team to jittering. He opened his door all the way, him wearing plaid pajamas and a grey shirt.

"Sure. Watch where you walk." He said. I walked in, seeing he had things everywhere. Well, on the floor. "Sorry. I'm just... rearranging. You can sit down on the couch. I would offer you something to drink but I really have to get this done. So, if you will just sit there." I nodded, sitting down on the couch. I understood he wanted to get this done before his head explode. I didn't ask if he wanted help, knowing I would be rejected, because he wanted things done his way, at his pace.


After he was done rearranging everything, he sat on the couch next to me.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" he asked. I nodded. He got up, putting the Grinch in, considering it was pretty close to Christmas. He sat back down next to me, I leaned my head on his shoulder, watching the movie begin. He wrapped his arm around my waist and bought me closer to him.

By the end of the movie I was half asleep and a little teary eyed due to the last scene. Niall and I ended up lying down on the couch, my head on his chest. I looked up at him, poking his cheek.

"Hey, will you grab my phone and text my mom, that I'm not coming home?" I mumbled. He nodded, getting my phone from my back pocket. "You touched the butt." I whispered, closing my eyes. He laughed and I fell into the nicest sleep I've probably I've had.

A/n youtube.com/watch?v=3fgr50X3DsU

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