Sneak Peak👀

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"Welcome to Japan, motherfuckers. Do anything you're not supposed to and I will quite literally behead you. Plus, I want to have a relaxing, quiet two months until we get back into volleyball."

"I feel slightly threatened."

"Darn. I was hoping to make you feel entirely threatened."


"I'm so fucking tired."

"Brazil is the only place I trust. California is so dirty..."

"Does everyone have their luggage? I can carry them if you need me to!"

"Wyatt, I know you're the parental friend, but your body can only hold so much."

"Ughhh, can we at least make a damn promise not to do anything fucking illegal."

"Sho-niichan, this trip sucks, why did you bring me here?"


"Should we let them figure things out while we go to the villa?"

"Yeahhhh, plus Iris is starting to fall asleep."

"*slight snores*"



The actual chapter will either tmmr or the day after, but I was given a slight idea by my dear father(its a love hate relationship w/ him sometimes)

He said to create a Youtube account and post the stories there, somehow, and my lovely, beautiful readers, you ofc, can go to the link, subscribe, and get my horrible chapters there. I sincerely don't know why you hoomans like this but I will always say thank you to everyone who has read and voted for my story. Cyaaaaaaaaaaaa 😩

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