||CHAPTER - 7 ||

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It's time of day when the sky was coverd with shades of saffron , An exquisite atmosphere was created that would captivate anyone's heart .

Yudhishthir was waiting for her , would he be able to speak something cause whenever he want to tell her something either he got lost in her eyes or else he got nervous and didn't find any word for confession , may this not be happen again today , cause today anyhow he has to confess everything to her.

After a while he saw that she is coming , his heart starts beating fast he was unblinkingly looking her path , But still there are distances between them , she stopped at some distance , As if loneliness has dissolved in their meetings and this was not acceptable for both hearts .

Devi .... I mean shivkumari , yudhishthir said breaking silence , "you can call me by my name maharaj" devika said cutting him off in between .

A smile played on yudhishthir's serene face and his eyes fixed gaze on devika ,
"But on one condition You also have to call me by the same name you used to call me earlier .

How dearly she use to call him by that , the name which defines him perfectly . "Dharmaraj " she softy uttered . Her sweet voice rang into his ears, he was longing to hear .

"Devi , how are you ? Yudhishthir aksed in a concerned tone . "I'm fine Dharmaraj " she said with a smile , but a every far yudhishthir knows that she is hiding her pain behind that smile .

"Dharmaraj , you call me here to say something right ? Said devika . "Yes devi "he came a little close to her , now there's only one arms distance between the two .

"Devi you are upset with me right ?" Yudhishthir said looking into her eyes .
"No I'm not , why would I " she said looking away . "You can hide it, but your eyes can't , devi they told  me everything .

"I'm not upset with you dharmaraj , I'm just annoyed with myself , I'm fed up with all my questions and the best part is no one  is there to answer them" , she said looking  at him and a long tear escaped from her doe eyes .

Yudhishthir immediately wiped the tear and takes her hand in his ones.
"Devi I have answer for your all questions , your eyes hold everything my soul thirsts for , so now do not let a single tear come out , he said in a calm yet passionate voice. 

"You drew such memories in my mind I could never erase them , you have painted colours in my heart they could never be replace" yudhishthir said holding her hand more tightly , devika was amazed by his words , she was silently listening to him .

"Devi you are so special to me , you are the one who can make me smile without any reason , you affect my emotions with every actions of yours . You are the one I'm afraid of losing and the one I want keep in my life" yudhishthir said with full of love and affection .

"Dharmaraj " she utter through her tears and the very next moment yudhishthir take her in a warm embrace and caresses her hair lovingly .

"I can never make difference in you and kalyani , the way you are special to me in same way kalyani is " said ajatashatru . They broke the hug and shared a breif eye lock .

"Dharmaraj I thought that you might forget me after your marrige she said lowering her eyes in embarrassment .
"No devi , infact I miss you a lot specially when I use to looked at moon". 

"You know I also use to stare at moon cause it reminds me of your promise , you have told me once that no matters what distance we are we will share the same moon every night " she said looking deep into his copper hued eyes.

"Yes devi , if love is true distance can never be a problem " , devika blushed listening the word 'love' from him. 

Seeing her blushing he drew her closer to him and soflty said into her ears , "yes devika I love you , I loved you then , I love you still and always will ."

His words sooth her heart and her eyes got filled with tears of happiness  ,her cheeks turns crimson red and she hides her face in his chest . Yudhishthir Hugged her as now he was feeling relief after confessing everything to her .

"Devi didn't you want to say anything?"  he asked in a mischievous tone "is there is need to say something dharmaraj ,you said that my eyes can't hide anything from you , isn't they are telling you everything" she said making innocent face. 

"They did but I want listen it from you devi" he said lifting her chin . "Dharmaraj ...... I ..I ...Love ....Love , he  again drew her closer to him ... Yes you love he said I love ........ I love spending time with you" ,she said giggling and playfully pushed him a little and start going from there. 

He caught her and said "won't let you go so easily princess " she was blushing harder , leave me dharmaraj what if someone will see." "No one will see us dear don't worry" he said . She turns to him and asked "did draupad kumari knows about us ? "

"Not yet , I never got a chance to tell this " said yudhishthir in a low voice .
"Come" he said holding her hand and they both sit on stone there by the sea .

"Devi , you know God's time is always right , he always listen our prayers and always understand our struggles . Draupadi  came in our life as our fortune , and that's why I use to call her kalyani, she is so sweet and so caring and I can't see her unhappy , specially in this condition , but now I have to tell her everything , cause if will hide this longer might she would be hurt and I don't want that" , said yudhishthir .

"I can understand Dharmaraj" , she  placed her hand on his shoulder and said , "after knowing this she might be unhappy , I don't know what will happen in future" ..."devika" he stopped her in between and ruffles her hair don't stress yourself dear everything will be fine he said assuring her .

A month later my swayvamvar is going to be held , she said . "Swayamvar, he looked at her with questioning eyes , will I get the invitation."  " Yes you will " she said lowering her eyelids in shyness , "I myself is inviting you than too you need an invitation ."

A smile played on his lips and he cupped her face and said , "I will come devi" , "and I will wait cause I don't want anyone else."  They both got lost in each other's eyes , they smiled  and there fingers entwined slowly with each other and time stood still there .

The sunset melts into waves and colour faded into sea , the moon smiled and star twinkled , they watched night under moonlight , the stars leaned into there heartbeats and they fell in love so much then they ever had before . 

"Shall we go now she said , why ?" " Can't we stay a little longer" he asked . "We have been together since evening now it's night , everyone must have been looking for us inside" , devika said and got up from there . "Ok let's go" he said  unwilling making an innocent pout  and she giggles looking at his antics .

They both proceed inside the palace . 


How was this ? I know it might be boring *laughs *

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