Arc:Re Prologue

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 Once the universe was united where people all coexisted peacefully, unbeknown to the disaster that would change the course of reality itself forever…

 A child with hair the colour of emerald green and ruby red jumped around merrily in a small park, doing jumps and all kinds of acrobatic tricks while wearing a big smile as bright as the sun above the sky.

“Ladies & gentlemen!” The cherry sweet voice announced as its owner drew a new card from his duel disk.

 Glancing at the card in hand from the corner of his eye, his gaze then shifted to his opponent who looked nervously at him, hands holding their cards tightly as they awaited for his next move.

Feeling the gaze of the kids surrounding them filled with anticipation and excitement, the boy’s smile grew even larger as he joyfully announced, “The fun has just begun!”


The time passed in the blink of an eye while the fun went on, as the sun soon dyed the sky into a warm red-orange-yellow gradient and 8 little shadows could be seen projecting onto the ground around the swing set.

“Ah~ 2 out of 5 wins, Yuya you really need to step up your game don’t you ~” a peachy voice teased.

“I know that already Yuzu! Stop bringing that up,” the cherry voice pouted as one of the shadows began to swing back and forth, a giddy little laugh saying otherwise.

“At least he gave it his all,” another softer and sweet voice giggled.

“Ruri’s right Yuya! Your performances were amazing!” A crispy clear voice beamed.

“You’re doting on him again, Yugo you brother complex,” a honeycomb voice sighed in amusement.

“No I’m not Rin!” The other immediately retorted, causing the rest to start laughing behind their breath.

“Fufu~ Fusion being a protective big brother as always~” another voice, soft and elegant teased.

“It’s Yugo! Stop calling me that! And also Yuri, you have no right to say that when we all know you were giving death glares at the kids that beat Yuya!” The clear voice shot back.

“That’s enough you two,” a calm and soothing voice spoke up, “Stop arguing.”

“But Yuto, didn’t you also immediately go ahead and defeat all those kids right afterwards?” The soft voice asked in an innocent and teasing tone, leaving the other pause in embarrassment.

“How do you even deal with these three everyday?” A cool and sharp voice groaned.

“Well, I actually don’t really mind,” the cherry voice giggled at the bickering coming from afar, “They’re always looking out for me just like you, Yuzu, Rin and Ruri.”

“Yeah, but not like that,” the peachy voice sighed, “Those three big brothers of yours basically drown you with affection everyday.”

“Don’t you do the same to Serena, Rin and Ruri as well?” The cherry voice asked.

“Uuu…” the peachy voice pouted in frustration, guilty as charged.

While the octet chatted, two tall figures arrived, one belonged to a woman with locks of golden blonde hair and dashing green eyes, the other a man in an orange tracksuit with flaming patterns imprinted on it and mandarin orange spiky hair and eyes.

“I’m glad to see you all having fun, but it’s time for us to go home kids,” the tall female smiled.

“Come on Yuzu, we need to get Ruri and the others home before it gets dark,” the male said, reaching out his hand to hold his daughter’s little one.

“Ok….” the eight children with a line of hair in bright colours unwillingly said.

Once reaching the cross road where they have to part, the four brothers waved towards their friends,

“Bye bye Yuzu, Ruri, Rin, Serena! Let’s play again tomorrow!”

“Sure thing!”


On the way home, a boy with blue and yellow hair held the green and red haired boy’s tiny hand while he sulked, “Why does Rin keep teasing me being a brother complex..”

“Cause you are Fusion~” a boy with purple and pink hair shot back in amusement while holding Yuya’s other hand.

“Hey so are you then!” The other retorted angrily, “Also stop calling me that! It’s Yugo!”

“Stop arguing in front of Yuya you two,” a boy with light and dark toned purple coloured hair sighed as he dragged the green and red haired boy to his side while the youngest quadruplet giggled behind his hand.

“Yuto!” The blue and yellow haired and purple and pink haired boy cried out, seeing how the eldest one sneakily stole their precious little brother from them.

“Fufu~” the older woman giggled in amusement as she quietly watched her adorable sons interact, “Good to see you four are getting along as always.”

The sudden comment led the older three to look away in denial while the youngest one who picked up his mum’s cue smiled, 

Causing his big brothers to look at him with a loving gaze, in exchange for secret smiles between the mother and her youngest son.

“Let’s get home soon,” the mother said as they continued their journey home, “Your dad’s leaving work early to have dinner with us.”

“Really??” The four beamed in joy.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go! Let’s go!” The blue haired boy cheered as he pulled his little brother and started to jog towards the direction of their home, “I wanna duel with Dad and show him the newest medication on my D-wheel!”

“After I duel with Dad and show him the flowers just bloomed in my flower patch,” the violet haired boy caught up and said.

“Can I help with cooking dinner tonight Mum?” The purple haired boy pulled the sleeve of the taller woman.

“Sure thing,” his mother smiled.

“I wanna duel with Dad, Yugo, Yuri and Yuto!” The youngest one cheered.

“Then let’s have a duo duel,” the violet haired boy suggested, “I’ll be Yuya’s partner.”

“Hey no fair ! I’ll be Yuya’s partner!” The blue haired boy immediately said, pulling Yuya in his arms.

“You two are too reckless,” the oldest joined in as he pulled the green and red haired boy’s hand, “Let me duel beside Yuya.”

“Fine, then Yuya you pick, who do you want to be partners with?” The three boys looked towards their little brother cuddled in the center between their little bodies.

Looking at the pair of crystal blue, warm grey and beautiful violet pupils looking at him, the youngest quadruplet smiled as he linked all four of their hands together saying, “I wanna be with all three of you!”

Instantly melting his big brothers’ hearts as they nodded, “OK!”

Following the three similar figures as his in front of him, the youngest of the quadruplets slowly noticed the distance that slowly drew them further and further away.

Before him knew it, his mind began to feel numb and couldn’t seem to think or remember where he was.


He could feel his surrounding fading away as he found it more and more difficult to stay conscious.

‘What’s going on….’

Trap within this trance, three muffled voices managed to reach his ear as he looked up to see three faceless boys calling out to him,

“Come on Yuya!”

Before his sight turned completely black….

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