Arc:Re Chapter 3

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Chapter 3. Heartland


In the city of Heartland, the tallest skyscraper with a heart sculpted on top overlooked the neon futuristic city below as a new sun dawned.

While the sunlight slowly spread through the city, it snuck into a room of an apartment, brightening the dark space within, revealing a room that was plain and tidy, with a desk, wardrobe and a calendar hanging on the wall.

As the soft light quietly crept up the bed laying by the window, a face of a teenage boy could be seen, revealing his light grey eyes when the brightness of the sun touched his eyelids.

Stretching his hand out towards the nightstand by his bed, the boy fished for his phone to then wince at the stinging light admitting from the screen to see that there was still a lot of time left before he needed to go to school.

Wanting to lay back in bed, his body uncooperatively rejected him, leaving the boy no choice but to get out of bed and make breakfast, ruffling his light and dark shaded purple hair as he looked out the window.

The morning view of Heartland was always so stunning and beautiful, the boy couldn't help but gaze upon it whenever he had the chance.

'How long has it been?' 

Yuto thought to himself as his eyes softened, a glimpse of loneliness and sadness reflecting from his grey pupils.

The boy could still vividly remember the panic and horror he felt when he first woke up in this unfamiliar land, lost within the dense city as his eight year old self wandered aimlessly to find his home. 

However, he never did make it back since his 'home' didn't exist anymore, at least not in this world.

And despite often being told that he was very collective and sharp minded, as a young child lost in a whole other world it couldn’t be helped that he wasn’t able to comprehend what was going on.

All he could do was search for those familiar faces he held so dear to.

Luckily, he was taken in by a nice orphanage before he was left to rot in the big city.

Since then, Yuto tried his very best to put his life together, slowly growing accustomed to this world while trying to figure out what had happened to him.

After he reached his teenage years, his mind began to mature and thoughts slowly began to become more organized, allowing him to think more rationally.

Looking back, a majority of his memories remained muffled ever since he started his life here, mostly due to the fact that he was still a child back then with the trauma of being suddenly sent to an unfamiliar world.

However, he still remembered who he was, that he was the eldest brother of three, son to two loving parents and important memories of the people he’s been with that he held on tightly, untouched by the stream of time.

Most importantly, fragments of the event that happened before he arrived in Heartland were still lingering within the depths of his memories.

Rewinding back to 8 years ago, before all of these, Yuto remembered his father bringing all four of his sons to his workplace as a special treat to see his newest creation.

There, they were given a tour of the facility and the production process of something, though most were a blur to him since all he could remember were the three excited faces that he was trying to get to behave.

Later on, he could recall Yugo, his third youngest brother suddenly dashing off , making them quickly chase after him.

It took awhile for them to find the enthusiastic boy, to be then greeted by someone standing by his side, whom their father started to casually talk to, so he assumed it was one of his colleagues and friends.

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