{13} The Burrow

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That night turned out to be a sleepless and angry one for the Potter siblings. Odette had been fuming ever since Vernon had installed the 5th lock. Harry on the other hand had turned deathly quiet, his anger a lurking shadow over their mood. Odette was staring out of the window, hoping to find a way to get out; to breathe, when two lights nearly blinded her. She fell off the chair she was leaning on, startling Harry. By the time he looked at the window, the car had been turned to the side and three readheaded boys were looking at them. Odette, who feared she had a concussion, had to blink a few times to see that Fred, George and Ron were indeed smiling at them.

"Ron, Fred, George? What are you doing here?" A sleepy Harry asked.
"Rescuing you of course. Now come on, get your trunks." Ron said, and with that they got up and began packing their last belongings. As the twins connected a rope to the bars Vernon had stuck on their window and pulled it, Odette took Hedwig and Nat. Vernon had woken up by the noise and Odette could hear the loud thuds of his footsteps as she handed her baggage over to Fred.
"Potter!" Shouted Vernon, beginning to unlock the door. Odette had begun to shake and secretly thanked him for installing a thousand locks on the door. Odette had already climbed into the car and was reaching her hand out for Harry when Vernon managed to open the door. Harry, distressed, jumped too late and Vernon caught up to him.
"Lett him go!" Shouted Odette, followed by Harry's "Get off!"
"Drive!" Ron said to Fred who was on the wheel (which was probably not a very good idea).

Vernon, deciding that he was not going to let Harry go, pummeled down into the bushes under the children's window. Odette finally remembered to breathe when they got far enough.
"Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to let Fred on the wheel?"
"That doesn't sound like a 'thank you' to me, considering I just saved your life." Fred was already annoyed. "I came here to save your ass but you can stay if it's not good enough for you."
"No, no, I'm not complaining." Odette said. "But having your ass on the wheel might lead to a crash."
"We are 150 meters on the sky, what are we gonna crash into? Air?" Fred asked.
"Maybe that bird flying over there." She pointed at it as Fred quicky dodged it making everyone go sideways in the car. "That's what I thought." She smirked.
"Fuck you." Fred frowned. "You distracted me."
"A good driver doesn't get distracted." She smirked again.
"I am 13 the hell did you expect?" Fred said.
"As much as I'm enjoying listening to this, I'd like to talk to my best friend a bit too." George said.

Odette happily faced the other twin, who had sat next to her and had made Ron sit in front. George was staring at her, his brown eyes locked into her own. With that, her stomach fluttered a little.

"So how was the second week of summer?" George asked.
"Awful." Detta responded. "I didn't get any of your letters."
"Yeah, how come?" George asked.
"Apparently my curse runs way past Voldemort." She sighed, dramatically knocking into Harry, who elbowed her. With a deathstare shot his way, she returned to her story, "This little house elf named Dobby has decided that my life, once again, is in danger and that I shall not be going to Hogwarts."
"Is that so?" George laughed, "Is that why you've got bars on your window?"
"That, and Harry's stupidity."
"How is that my fault!?" Harry gasped, adjusting himself so that he's staring right at Odette.
"You made him drop the cake. It was not hard to say 'Yes, Dobby. I won't go I promise."
"A cake?" Ron said from the backseat.
"Dropped cake on Vernon's guest's head." Detta shrugged.

"Wicked." The twins smirked.
"You should learn a tip or two from him." Fred said.
"Maybe I should, maybe then Mrs. Weasley  would put bars on your window." Odette said.
"That's not what I me- gosh." Fred frowned.
"Keep your eyes forward Fredrick." Detta said. "I don't want to see a dead bird's blood."
"Me neither." Harry groaned probably picturing it.
Detta soon laid her head on George's shoulder and smiled at him. She couldn't go and see her second family, the one who considered her as part of it in fact. She soon drifted off to sleep being too tired to keep her eyes open. She'd come back to conciousness once or twice from Fred's or George's chuckles but would go back to sleep.

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