Explosion Berries Part One (chapter three)

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Your pov

Kipo finally calms the cub down as Mandu squeals

Kipo whispers: the lock!

Wolf locks the door but soon it rattles then we see a tongue come out from underneath and was about to unlock it, when we hear

???: Dave, I'm home!

Jamack: a hum-

His tongue disappears under the door

Jamack: a human?

Human: I am so glad you frogs are here. You've gotta help me. I fell into this bush of, uh, uh, explosion berries!

We open the door to see someone talking to the frogs

Jamack: hm. Explosion berries? I guess that could be a thing. I can't remember...

The boy grabs something from his bag

Human: oh, it is definitely a real thing. And contagious! If just one drop of their juice gets on your skin, boom!

Jamack: ok, have you guys heard of this?

Human: boom, boom! Oh, I feel a warmth

The boy goes down on his knees

Human: I don't have much... time

Suddenly, purple liquid sprayed out of him as he yells

Human: it's happening! Oh, the horror!

The frogs leaves

???: wait! Wait! Don't leave me...

He falls to the ground then Kipo, Mandu and I go up to him. We kneel by his side as I turn my paws into hands

Kipo: oh, no! Are you ok?

The boy turns to us with a smile and chuckles

???: yeah, I'm fine

He drinks the liquid contained in the can, he was holding

???: explosion berry?

Me: that was impressive! I fully believed explosion berries were a thing!

Wolf comes up to us

Wolf: I know those frogs. We need to keep moving if we don't wanna die

The boy chuckles

???: well, she seems like a lot of fun

He drinks his drink, again

Time skip

All of us, were walking through the city, with the boy holding the cub and Kipo pushing the bike

???: hey, thanks for watching my buddy

He shakes the can and gives it to the cub then throws the can away and grabs another

???: he just needed his formula

He does the same thing and grabs another can

Kipo: so, he's your grub baby?

He does the same thing

???: Dave? Oh, no. We go way back

The boy tosses Dave to Kipo, which she catches. He looks through his bag

???: kinda look out for each other

The boy notices Wolf's stick

???: wow! Is that a deathstalker tail? I have never actually seen one in person. Can I touch it?

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