Real Cats Wear Plaid Part Two (chapter six)

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Your pov

Molly: when the beast showed up to steal the Scratching Tree, Yumyan ran up there to fight him

Kipo: ooh! Yumyan sounds very brave. You must know a lot of stories about him

Molly: oh, that's not even half the legend

Molly starts playing an axe guitar

After the song

All the cat's were hacking up hairballs

Kipo: wait, what happened? Were the lasers too much?

A cat hacks up a hairball on the chair Kipo was standing on, making Kipo gasp. Suddenly, all the cats started hacking up hairballs. I jump up to Kipo and dragged her out, once out I released her then we began to run on top of the branches

Kipo: that time I was really making progress. I was lead guitar in a cat band!

Suddenly, we all stop as we reach the end, except Wolf who pushed us off luckily we landed on one of the yarn balls

Wolf: jump!

We jump across onto one ball

Benson: this is a new way to travel!

Wolf: feline, two o'clock

I look right to see a hairless cat, wielding an axe. It swings the axe but Mandu catches it and cuts the rope, making us fly into an uncarved tree. Wolf instantly jumps off and runs

Wolf: come on!

She runs into the bushes then Dave then Benson, Kipo looks back at the mess and then follows the others with Mandu in her hands then I follow her into the bushes and into a building

Wolf: we'll camp here

She lays on a mushroom

Wolf: in the morning, we'll pick up those Mega Mute tracks, see if they lead to your people

Benson and Dave lay on a shared mushroom then Kipo and I lay on a mushroom

Kipo: good idea. We don't need those cats to help us, and they don't...

Mandu lays besides Kipo

Kipo: ...need our help either

Once everyone was asleep, I sneak out and arrive at a tree and heard

??? whispers: y/n, why aren't you sleeping?

I turn to see Kipo

I whisper: you really expect me to leave without helping a cat out of a tree? Now, why are you here?

Kipo whispers: same reason as you

I smile and transform into a tiger then I unsheath my claws and began to climb with, Kipo soon, following using an axe as a climbing tool. Once we were half way there, Kipo began to talk

Kipo whispers: all the way to the canopy

She gasps

Kipo whispers: why'd you look?

Kipo says in a deep voice: Kipo, is this tree deciduous or coniferous?

Kipo: coniferous. Means the leaves are green year-round. Not bad for someone who grew up in a cave

We soon reach the top and I transform back. Kipo gasps at the Mega Butterfly

Kipo: whoa

Suddenly we hear growling behind us, making me jump and causing my ears and tail to come out

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