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a.n. another one 

"You two are being cordial," Hyeri noted as she Chaeyoung and Jisoo laid out on the boat enjoying the warm day.

"I figure you're both right. I'm still royally pissed off at her but what happened was done four years ago and we've all moved on. Being angry is far too draining and time-consuming and from what I can tell she's beating herself up about it pretty badly."

Jisoo nodded. "She really is but does that mean you still have a soft spot for her?"

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes as she turned over onto her stomach. "Not in the way you're thinking. She's always been too hard on herself, she expects herself to be perfect which is totally unreasonable. From the sounds of it, her fiancé expects her to be perfect too but those are the choices she's made."

"True but you totally won the breakup." Jisoo and Chaeyoung both looked at Hyeri. "Yes you're single but you're loving it. You have a great career, like a really great career, amazing friends. An amazing apartment in the city that, no offense to Laguna, I can't wait to get back to. You're a ten, and Niki is not. Don't get me wrong she ain't ugly but she's nowhere near as beautiful and intelligent as you are. Hell if I was at all gay I would have hit on you when you first met me about the apartment."

Chaeyoung couldn't help but burst into laughter. "What's got giggles going?" Jennie asked as Lisa and Joy all stood on the dock next to the boat. Chaeyoung couldn't stop her laughter as she turned back around, the sun glistening on her skin.

"We're discussing how hot Chaeyoung is and that she'll find some equally hot doctor to settle down with."

Lisa would have lied if you asked her whether or not she had checked Chaeyoung out in that moment because she totally did. But if she did admit it she'd say it was the sun and bikini's fault.

"Maybe you'll get a real-life Mc Dreamy." Joy grinned as she got onto the boat and sat next Jisoo.

"Nah she'd prefer a McSteamy." Jennie winked as she sat down in the captain's seat.

Chaeyoung put her sunglasses back down and closed her eyes with a smile on her face. Her friends at least had decent taste. "I think she'd prefer more of the Erin Lindsey type on Chicago P.D." Lisa finally spoke as she sat in the seat next to Jennie.

"Thank you, finally someone gets it. I don't want to date someone I work with. Too messy and god damn that Lindsey is hot."

"Wait." Everyone looked over at Hyeri who had actually stood up. "If you're into cops, does that mean?" She trailed off before everyone started killing themselves laughing as she went over and straddled Chaeyoung's lap. "Because hell yeah! Don't tell Jae-bom though, he might get jealous."

"You know you're the only one for me."

"What the hell! I thought I was the only one for you?"

Chaeyoung looked over to the other end of the boat at Jisoo. "You're my sugar momma." She winked at her friend.

"What am I then?" Jennie asked, feeling like she needed to get in on this.

"Engaged." Chaeyoung laughed as she stretched her arms out. "Okay, are we doing this or not, since you three took forever!"

"Yeah, I really want to go." Hyeri grinned.

"You're from New York how do you even know how to wakeboard?" Joy questioned as she handed Lisa her boarding boots.

Hyeri rolled her eyes with a laugh. "We do have beaches in and around New York." They all laughed as Hyeri pulled out her own board with a grin on her face.

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