Best friend..

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 February 18 in LA.


" YOOO Y/N.. HOW ARE YOU." he ran to you.

" I'm good and you." you threw yourself in his arms.

" I have missed you my little muffin." he pulled you in for a hug and started missing up your hair.

" HEY!! stop messing up my hair I got it done yesterday." you pulled away from him slightly.

" Ohh you look good anyways so it doesn't matter." he put his hand on your lower back and started walking.

" What have you been up to Mr.stan I haven't seen you since December."

" Hey I have been with my girlfriend, remember?"

" Yeah yeah but you know that's why there's this thing called a phone for.. You know to call and text."

" Oh shut up. You're seeing me now."

" Yeah true. Where are we going by the way?"

" I'm taking you out for lunch. Since that's the least I can do for you right now."

" Yeah, very true."

  Yup that's my best friend Sebastian Stan. The Romanian actor who is extremely successful. I've known Sebastian since college. Sophomore year of college. We met in class. Since we both wanted to be actors and actresses. We both have been in many successful films before. For example "Endings Beginnings, I- Tonya". We were roommates for a while, then of course we grew up and bought our own houses and stuff. He recently got a girlfriend. I only really met her 2-3 times but let me tell you. She's a bitch. She thinks she is the most perfect woman in the world because she is blond, a model, and dating a marvel actor. When she really isn't. She's just moody, selfish, etc. Everything you can say about a person that is bad is Her. At least in my opinion even though Sebastian says " give her a chance". Uhh yeah no. I have given her way to many chances. I feel bad for him to be honest. He has received a lot of hate for it and he really doesn't deserve it at all. I have standed up for him many times. It has stopped a little but people are stubborn.

" Hey let's go in here. It looks like a good place to have lunch." He said.

" Sebastian it's not even lunch. This is a cookie shop. But the cookies here are amazing." You said.

" Who said we have to have something salty for lunch?"

" Yeah you got me there."

" Okay how have you been?"

" I've been good. I'm recently filming a movie with Salma Hayek. She is like a mother to me. Especially since we are both hispanic. We gossip together and hang out a lot. Anyways how have you been?"

" I haven't been so good actually. Me and my girlfriend have been getting into unnecessary fights. Like really really stupid ones too. Yesterday we got into an argument because I was going to hang out with you all day."

" Sebastian, you should have told me that she was mad. I don't want to be a reason why you guys are fighting."

" No I don't care anymore. I haven't seen you in 3 months and I just need a break too. She has just been s-so clingy."

" I mean you are a good looking guy Sebastian. She's just maybe afraid of losing you to another hottie."

" I don't think so. I think she is hiding something from me, that's why she is acting like that."

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