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As you and Chris held each other and gave each other passionate kisses. You heard clapping become louder. But not just one person clapping. It was coming from a mini crowd. Your lips fell apart from his as you wanted to see who was there. You saw Salma, Nickie, Scarlett, Hemsworth, Holland, RDJ, Hiddleston, Mackie, Sebastian, Your god kids, and your little boy.. dogger wagging his tail as the kids petted him and started to scream from joy. You looked back at him and saw he had watery eyes. It was like glass. You kissed him one more time. Chris put you down on your feet as you whipped the tears away. You ran up to everyone as they congratulated you.

" You did it love. Your finally gonna have a family of your own." Salma cupped your face with a big smile.

" Yeah. Ahh let me stop crying." You whipped more tears away as you moved on to the next person.

As everyone congratulated you, you felt a pair of tiny hands appear on your legs. You looked down and saw Salmas baby boy. You sat down on the snow and brought him closer to you. He knew how to say your name but he called you Tata. He called your name as he brought hair infront of your face. You smiled at him as he messed up your hair. Sebastian sat down next to you and tapped him on his little shoulders.

" helloooo." Sebastian smiled at him.

" Sev." He let go of your hair and opened his arms to Sebastian. He couldn't pronounce B's yet that's why he called him sev instead of Seb. Sebastian picked him up and started to rock him around. He threw him in the air cause Sebastian loved how the baby laughed. You sat on the floor still looking at Sebastian until you feel weight come on top of you. It was dogger! He threw you down at the snow and started bounce around and lick you face. You put your hands closer to your face as you laughed. The kids joined dogger and started to circle around you. You felt helpless at that moment until you feel two arms go under you and pick you up bridal style. You looked up and saw it was chris smiling down at you like he was some sort of prince charming. He run back inside as everyone followed. Several hours later of visitors in your house, Everyone started to leave. You, Chris, Sebastian and dogger said your byes to the kids and the rest of the adults. Sebastian said goodnight to the both of you and made his way to his bedroom that was across your house. Which can be good if you wanted some... alone time. Or Sebastian wanted some. Chris grabbed your waist when Sebastian was out of his sight. You laughed at how he made a quick move to grab your waist and turn you around to face him.

"are you okay?" Chris looked down at you.

" im more than okay. I'm so happy." You placed one hand on his jawline.

" I'm glad you are. Thank you" He snatched you closer to his body and hugged your little teddy bear onesie.

" thank me for what?" You said into his neck.

" for saying yes to being my wife, for saying yes to have a family with me and trusting me after I hurt you."

" chris don't hold onto that. Please."

" but i did do it. I hurted you."

" key word hurted. You did break me but you also fixed me."

" what?"

" chris you fixed me.. go go back who i was before. I went from kind to heartless to kind again. But of course still have the same style."

" I don't understand how you took me back."

" you wanna know why I took you back?"

" yes please."

" cause your my person."

" and your my person but I just failed to see it."

" at least your aware now."

" I love you y/n."

" I love you more Chris."

" now let's go to bed. For we can finally have CUDDLES!!" Chris threw you over his shoulder and started to walk somewhere in the house. You gave him directions to your room as you saw dogger following behind him. He finally reached your room and started to take off his shoes with his feet. He wrapped around your thighs with one hand as the other he was taking off his pants. Now taking off his shirt was gonna be tricky since he didn't want to let go of you. You knew the best solution to help him out. You reached to the middle of his shirt and ripped it with your hands. You did it to his back and the sides of his sleeves for the cloth can just slip off his body. Ones he was completely nude except for he had boxers on. He laid down in bed as you were still hanging onto his shoulder. You sat on his lap as your thighs rubbed slickly through his torso. You played with his beard and made your way up to his hair. He looked into your eyes and saw the pure happiness in them. He always wanted a big Boston family and to get married, now he is more then glad to have it with you. You came into his life when he least expected it. He was losing hope and thought that not everyone has the one some life times but of course the world works in weird ways. You gave him hope, light, joy, love as he was at his lowest point in time when nobody had any idea he was. He really hoped his kids would turn out like you. With you personality, humor, sarcasm, well everything. He just wanted to see what it would look like if you both were sumerged into one little one. He wanted to make sure you were happy. He cared about your happiness then he did with his own. You saw that tonight. He was so selfishless that he rather bust his ass for your happiness and health then his own. You saw the really love that you were looking for in him. The gap you had felt empty for many years is now fulfilled.

Sorry Ik this chapter is short but I'm packing to go to a trip soooo 💞💞💞

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