Back home..

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Your finally in the plane flight to go back home in Boston. You were excited to see your kids, Chris and everyone else. You loved how excited everyone was for you to be back home from the movie. Unfortunately you weren't going to be able to make it to the premier but you didn't mind the extra time for you to be home. Chris, Sebastian, Lisa and everyone else were planning a cook out for everyone to come and welcome you back home and just to hang out. You were dying to get some cool out food since you haven't had it since the day you found out you were pregnant. You knew this time you weren't pregnant cause you're in your period right now. That gives you a sigh a relief but at the same time not really cause the cramps are killing you so badly. The plane ride wasn't bad at all since you were on the window seat and this time no kid was behind you kicking the fucking seat or anything. You could finally relax and go back home not in such a grumpy mood. You were close from Boston so you didn't mind to take a short nap. You were an hour away so you would just take an hour nap. You slept peacefully in your seat as your dreams were actually good. For the last three days you've been having nightmares for some reason but this time you finally sleep peacefully. You were woke up by the pilot saying to everyone that you would be landing in the next five minutes. You sat up and rubbed your eyes to adjust them to the light from the plane. You sat there as you waited for you can get the fuck outta the plane and just run to Chris' arms that you've waited for so long to be in. Everyone finally got off of the plane and walked to get there suitcases. You got your bag faster than you thought. You when done the escalador and saw him. You saw Chris with a huge brown teddy bear with a box of your favourite chocolates and a bucay of roses. You waited for to get off of the escalador to run. You finally got off and got a good grip of your suitcases as you ran to him. Chris dropped everything and ran towards you. He picked you up and swirled you both around.

(Pretend this is ya'll)

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(Pretend this is ya'll)

"Finally" he whispered in your hair as he held you tightly. You saw the flashing lights appear on the corner of your eye. You knew it was the paparazzi's coming over but you didn't have one care in the fucking world. Chris finally let you got and got your suitcases. You picked up the teddy bears, the chocolates and the roses from the floor. You both walked out of the airport with a bunch of people around you guys. You held Chris' arm for he can be calm down and to be aware your there with him. He always told you that when ever you and him are in public, he feels safe with you cause you give him a sense of security. You both got into the car and you just hugged the fuck outta the teddy bear and ate the chocolates cause your period is killing you badly. You both finally got home and saw the parking lot filled with cars. You both got your things outta the car and walked into the house. Everyone was everywhere around the house.

" WELCOME HOME!!" Scott screamed ones he saw you. Everyone looked at Scott and then at you.

" WELCOM HOME!!!" Lisa, Sebastian and everyone said at the same time. Everyone walked to you both and gave you hugs and kisses. Sebastian had Alana ontop of his arms and Lisa had Caesar. You said hi to Alana and gave her many many kisses. She started laughing hysterically. As Alana laughed, Caesar started to laugh as well. It's true that laughs are contagious cause after the two babys laughed then everyone after words started laughing. Everyone went outside to start the cool out and you and Chris just went inside the bedroom to put everything away. While you were putting everything in your dresser, Chris put his hands on your hips and pulled you to him. You fell of the bed from all the force. You started laughing and Chris got ontop of you. He started to tickle you until you got control of his hands.

" baby stop im on my period remember."

" soooo"

" baby i don't wanna feel the blood when I laugh. I CANT EVEN SNEEZE." You laughed.

" BAHAHAHHAAAA." Chris started laughing.

" do you know where I left my heating pad? Cause I didn't bring it with me."

" oh yeah. Yeah hold on right here." Chris got off of you and went to the bathroom. He came out of the bathroom with your heating pad and he plugged it in.

" thank you." You were reaching to the heating pad but Chris didn't give it to you.

" no no.. come here." Chris sat against the bed board and made you lay down between his legs, your head rested in his chest but your back was the mattress. He placed the heating pad over your ovaries area. He wrapped his arms around your chest area and stroked your hair. You were getting sleepy by the warmth of the heating pad and Chris' arms around you and him just gently stroking your hair. You closed your eyes a little bit and almost started dozzing off into your dream. You got woken up by someone knocking on the door. You heard Chris to say come in. Lisa said that dinner was ready and left the room. Chris whispered to you to wake up.

" y/n.. baby. Wake up" Chris whispered to you

" nooo"

" come on. You can eat really quick and then we can go back to sleep."

" mmmm fine."

" good girl."

" shush." You sat up and took off the heating pad off of you. Yo got up and walked out of the room with Chris following behind you. You went outside where everyone was at, just serving their own plates. You got your own plate and served yourself some food. Everyone sat down and started to talk. You looked for Alana and Caesar but you couldn't find them. Sebastian looked over to you and saw that you were looking around. In his head, it clicked that you were looking for Alana and Caesar. Sebastian hit your arm with his elbow and your head turned to him.

" Alana and Caesar are over there with dogger and the rest of the kids."

" where?"

" over there.. you see them?" Sebastian pointed  in the direction.

" oh yeah I see them. Thanks."

" mhm.. you like the food?"

" mhmmm" you already had food in your mouth so you can only nod and just say mhm.

The rest of the night it was great. They all made you feel at home and asked how everything was and the environment. Some of them made you say words to see if you got an accent. It was funny but at the end of the day. Everyone stuffed their faces and now everyone is sleepy and tired. You couldn't even keep your eyes open that you fell asleep. Everything was just blurry but you felt someone pick you up from the chair and bring you to the room. They put the heating pad on you and tucked you. They finally laid a kiss on your lips and you heard the Boston accent saying " I love you".

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