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  Ever since you have been told that your are pregnant shit has gone to shit. Meaning your health and how you felt like dying since there is a human growing inside you. You hated how you could cuddle with Chris like you used to, you hated your mood swings, and you hated more then anything that you had to always wake in the middle of your dream to throw up. Chris always tried to help you but you always told him " you can help me when the baby is actually here and not in my fucking stomach." Meaning when the baby is crying, Chris has to figure it out. Tomorrow you both have a ultrasound to see how the baby is doing and everything. But for now you just need a good night rest for tomorrow you won't look like shit. You baby bum started to really show meaning now you can't wear whatever you want and use it as an excuse. Chris always hummed some song to your belly every night as a little Lalabye for the baby. He always rubbed your belly or just placed his hand there. Today's song choice was "Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac" since it did have a great tone to it and it was a calming song. You sometimes singed along like to the song choice that Chris picked. Ones he finished to hum a song to your belly, he turned your attention to him you.

" how you feeling baby?" Chris played with your hand.

" I feel better actually but I'm just nervous for tomorrow."

" why?"

" I don't know I just never like the ultrasounds. There's always a possibility for something can be wrong with the baby."

" baby calm down.. the baby is okay since I do sing to them every night."

" Chris😑"

" whatttt"

" I'm being serious."

" and I am too."

" fine whatever."

" oh don't be mad y/n. It was just a joke."

" I'm sorry it's just these stupid mood swings that are gonna be the death of me."

" I know you hate them but we only have 3 ultra sounds left."

" thank god but can we get started on the nursery please."

" but we have enough time."

" mr you always save shit for last so can we please start. For me 🥺🥺." You gave him puppy eyes.

" oh come on that's not fair. Your not suppose to give puppy eyes to me." He looked at you and you still did puppy eyes but started to whimper just a little. You knew that would push him off the edge.

" OK OK FINE. How could I ever say no to you tho."

" YAYYYY" you felt successful cause your plan worked.

As you both got tired of talking about what you both wanted to do to the nursery. You both decided to save it for tomorrow because the ultrasound was going to reveal the gender of the baby. Now it was time to plan a baby shower 😐. "Fuck this man" you said to yourself as the thought about another gathering with everyone. You now had to stress out even more cause of some gender reveal party you didn't even want to do. Put Chris wanted to do one so your doing it. But as you kept making Chris happy.. you put yourself in a heaving kiss husbands ass. You just played yourself, you thought but you know ones you give birth that's when he is gonna me kiss ass mode. As you thought about the gender reveal party you dozed off into your sleep like you did every night. Chris always was  big spoon since your baby bum but before that he either was big spoon or he laid on top of your stomach. You missed able to play with his hair as he knocked out asleep on your chest. You also missed him being ontop of you when yall fu-... okay not appropriate since we were just talking about the baby and just Chris sleeping. ANYWAYSSSSSS...

It was the next morning now. Of course the usual routine now. Get up, run to the toilet, throw up all your guts while Chris picked up your hair. Ones you were done with you daily routine 😙✌🏻. You got ready for the appointment since you had to be there early. You wore some leggings and just a baggy shirt. You were surprised how your ass still looked good even with a baby growing inside you. Ones you and Chris got ready to go inside the ultrasound room since you both have been waiting in the lobby.

" Y/n Evans?" The female doctor said into the lobby as she read the your chart. You stood put and Chris followed after you. As you were led into the room and did the usual thing to lift up your shirt and to be calm. You and Chris held each others hands as the machine touched the cold gel on your stomach. As the metal machine slid threw your skin you saw the doctors expression go from just bland to her eyes widening. You squeezed Chris hand as you saw her expression. 

" Is everything okay doc?" Chris said as he to saw her expression. 

" Well I do have news for the both of you. I don't know If it good or bad but there is news."

" okay.."

" Do you guys want the gender first orrr."

" Tell us the news and then the gender." Chris said in a nervous tone as he thought something was wrong with the baby." 

" Well you y/n are having twins with a boy AND a girl." The doctor grind just like a Cheshire Cat from Alice in wonderland. 

" T-twins?" You asked as you really thought you were dreaming at the moment.

" Yes twins! The ultrasound showed two heartbeats!"

" I-i don't know what to say.."

" Oh boy now I have to make two cribs." Chris said playfully. The doctor and you laughed at his comment. Jesus.. TWINS?! SERIOUSLY.. well Chris did want about 3 kids so uhhh one more kid left... Jesus Christ this is going to be hell of a ride but hey.. you finally what you got. A family!!

Hey guys!! sorry for the short chapter but I will be editing this whole sorting cause the grammar sucks! but don't worry I won't change anything that important! Much love<3

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