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Welcome to Phosphenes | TMF One-Shots! Those of you who have read the announcement under Myrtles and Marigolds already know what this is, but just in case you haven't, I'll explain. Basically, I used to have a Phosphenes book, but around fifty percent of what I was writing was ending up being Lander, so because of that I decided to transform it into a Lander book, and remake Phosphenes again for general TMF one-shots, and that's what this is!

With my old one-shot book I had three non-Lander one-shots on there which I have now deleted, but I do plan on reuploading them here, but since I'm not sure if uploading them all at once will cause weird reading statistics, I'm just gonna slowly reupload them overtime (probably as fillers for when it's been awhile since I've uploaded).

For this book, I will take requests, but "suggestions" may be a better choice of wording, because I will not do every request that I get. And just because I don't choose to write your request doesn't mean I think it's a bad idea! In general I just tend to give myself ideas pretty fast and have more inspiration to write those. But if you have a suggestion still feel free to comment! I just can't guarantee I'll write it. Also, for the requests I do decide to write, I may take a while to write them between all of my books 😅 Sorry. Also I probably won't be replying to a lot of comments, but that doesn't mean I haven't seen them! And I will not being doing requests in the chronological order I get them.

Now onto actual request guidelines 👉🏻👉🏻

1. First off I'll say, all legal ships are allowed ^^ Ships also may be platonic or romantic. Your request also doesn't have to be ship oriented either! As long as it's TMF.

2. Try to be specific in your request. For example, don't say something as simple as "Drake angst". Give a plot suggestion :)

3. Keep all suggestions relatively PG.

4. Don't make any requests that are exclusively about Lander. My Myrtles and Marigolds book is for Lander one-shots. But, if your request contains multiple ships -- one of which is Lander -- then that's okay. For example, if you were to request something like "A Haisy Lander double date" that would be fine! But something like "A Lander movie night date" wouldn't be accepted.

5. This isn't really a guideline, but I will say that I may slightly deviate from your request in order to simplify things or make them easier. I will always keep the core concept the same though.

6. Lastly, have fun! I don't really have too much to say outside of this 😅 If you have any questions or need elaboration on anything then please feel free to ask!

Since that is all I have to say for now, I'll just finish off here. I hope you all enjoy!

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