🌳 Sunsets With Trees 🌳

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Ship(s): Suke (Sean x Luke)

Genre: Fluff

Warning(s): Mild descriptions of acrophobia

Requested By: KarleyTheLukeSimp


Two boyfriends hung around in one of their backyards, around a tree, one sitting on one of its branches, and the other nervously standing below.

"Come on, Luke!" an ebony-eyed boy beamed, "I promise you'll like it when you're up here!"

Luke mumbled at his boyfriend, discontentedly observing the tree. "That branch has to be like, four feet high, Sean," Luke pointed out, "Why don't we just sit under the tree? In the soft grass?" Luke finished, drawing his hand against the green blades.

"But then we wouldn't be able to see the sunset, would we?" Sean retorted, "With all of those branches hovering over us."

"That's true..." Luke muttered, opening up, but still very hesitant to the concept.

Noticing the lemon-eyed boy lightening up, Sean tried to take advantage of it, and offered, "Here. What about this: if you come up here, I'll hold you and make sure you don't fall."

Luke could feel a tint of pink cross his cheeks, and letting out a sigh while lightly laughing, he agreed, "Fine. Deal. But you have to help pull me up," he added, taking into account he wasn't the most experienced climber.

A lock of his black hair falling into his face, Sean smiled, "Okay."

Returning the grin, Luke placed his hand against a lower placed branch, feeling its scratchy texture. He then slowly and cautiously started positioning himself up, steadily climbing up a couple feet. Once the drummer reached a certain point, he saw his boyfriend's arm extend, offering to lift him up the rest of the way. Taking Sean's hand in his, Luke allowed himself to be pulled, now sitting at the same branch as the club's music producer.

Gesturing to the branch, Sean cooed, "See, this isn't too bad, is it?"

Luke was going to reply, but instead his vision got caught looking at the ground, noticing what to him felt like an all too great distance, causing the beat of his heart to slightly increase.

Observing his boyfriend's nervous demeanor, Sean put a hand to his shoulder, and comforted, "Hey, try not to look at the ground, okay? Why don't you look at the sunset instead?" Sean transitioned, moving his hand off of Luke's shoulder, and instead gesturing out to the great sky, "That's kinda the whole point."

Listening to the black-haired boy, Luke slowly drew his eyes off the ground and up to the sunset Sean had so passionately talked about before they arrived here. The music producer wasn't always the biggest fan of his house. It was pretty old, and about every month or so some new technical issue -- whether it was an outlet breaking, or the refrigerator going off -- would arise, but one thing he always knew he loved about his place was the backyard, and the sunset view he always got from it. Now seeing it for the first time, Luke would have to admit it was pretty nice. There was an off in the distance hill which the Sun seemed to graze over, its glowly beams spilling over the horizon side. And Luke could definitely admire the many different hues the sky held.

The boy was still nervous though, preventing him from fully appreciating the sight. Remembering Sean's previous words, he called back, "You said that you'd hold me."

Turning his head, lightly gaping at auburn-haired boy, Sean then chuckled, "Sorry, you're right."

Following, Sean then stretched out his arm, calmly resting it around his boyfriend's shoulder. Feeling the close comfort, Luke sighed, a little bit of his stress leaving him. Now, being at least a little more restful, Luke took the time again to view the changing sky, his improved mood allowing him to properly enjoy it. It was gorgeous. Near the bottom of the hill there was stunning vibrant yellow which melted into a bright pink that highlighted the bottom of the few visible clouds left in the sky. And on top of that, coming from the top of the sky, there was a cool calming deepened periwinkle blue, fading down onto the bright colors underneath it. Luke couldn't help but always associate that color with Sean. For one, it was pretty close to the color of the soft sweatshirt he commonly wore. But outside of that: the way the color felt; it's calming yet cool appearance. It just felt like Sean.

"It is really beautiful," Luke hummed, knowing his boyfriend would be happy to hear he was enjoying it.

"I thought you'd appreciate it," Sean sighed, "Once, maybe a couple months ago or so, I tried to take Milly out here, and rather than looking at the sky, she just tried to climb this tree as high as she could," Sean started chuckling, remembering Milly's childish recklessness in the memory, "She nearly fell off."

Luke lightly snickered, thinking that that definitely sounded like Milly. Finding himself being able to relate to the experience, Luke started an anecdote of his own, "One time, when we were kids, I found a fairy ring in Zander's backyard, and when I tried to show it to him, he just got worried about mushroom fungus."

"We have interesting friends, don't we?" Sean asked somewhat rhetorically, turning a head to Luke.

"Yeah, we do."

Sean then nuzzled into Luke's side, taking in the moment. Slowly, the ebony-eyed boy then started gently swinging legs back and forth, as they hung over the branch. Luke's eyes attached to the motion, and even if this branch was extremely sturdy, he couldn't help but be made anxious by the movement.

When Sean noticed this, he asked, "You're still nervous to be up here, aren't you?"

Luke laughed, humored by his own phobia, before blatantly stating, "Terrified." Taking a pause, he then continued, "But you being here with me makes it a little less scary."

Faintly blushing, a small smile curled up from the edges of Sean's lips, and then pressing his forehead against Luke's, he cooed, "I love you."

Smiling back, Luke returned, "I love you too."


So, personally I don't really ship Suke (as of now at least) but ngl, I really enjoyed writing this.  Thank you, Karley for the prompt ^^ I really liked it.  One of my hopes for this book is that writing more ships for this books gets me into a lot of new ones.

If I had known I was going to write this so quickly, I probably wouldn't have uploaded Lyrics yesterday, but eh, it's fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed :)

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