🌕 Five More Minutes 🌕

931 10 6

Ship(s): Jander (Jake x Zander)

Genre: Fluff


The night sky, with its white moon and twinkling stars, gleamed down onto emerald-colored grass, giving it a reflective blue shade. The sky was a deep indigo with oozing streaks of hot pink highlighting, as the time inched closer and closer to midnight. And now, off in a quaint simple park, Jake and Zander sat on a small hill, which gave them a view to the park's lake, which seemed to shimmer all of the colors of the area's surroundings.

Currently, one that hill, the peach-haired boy sat on a small blanket that had been earlier placed out, with his violet-haired boyfriend, lying on his lap. He had been lying like that for the past ten minutes now. In general, Jake and Zander weren't the most physically affectionate with one another, aside from small things like hand-holding. Being overly cuddly just wasn't quite for them. But in moments they were like that with one another -- like this current one -- they still definitely both appreciated it. Jake lowered his hand to briefly stroke through a lock of Zander's hair. It always surprised him just how soft it always felt. Then placing his hand to rest on Zander's shoulder, Jake looked up to gaze at his surroundings. On top of the illumination from the stars, there were also dragonflies, flying around various spots of the park, glowing their yellow light. Every once in a while one would land and his and Zander's blanket, and Jake would extend his hand, a finger pointing out, offering a perch for the bug, but almost immediately after he did that, the little dragonfly would flutter away.

As Jake continued to look around, he began to take notice of just how dark it was getting. His parents had never set any type of curfew for him, but Jake knew that Zander's mom, Shannon insisted that at the absolute latest, he had to get back home before midnight. So being as careful as he could, the singer shifted around, reaching into his jacket pocket, pulling out his phone to tell the time. It was eleven-thirty-eight. Zander's house wasn't that much of a walk from the park, but Jake didn't want to be cutting it close getting back there. It would probably be best to leave now.

Keeping his new thought in mind, Jake used his hand to lightly nudge the periwinkle-eyed boy. He softly called, "Hey, Zander."

"Hmm?" Zander hummed in response, slightly shifting his position, still remaining in Jake's lap.

"We should probably get going now," Jake claimed, beginning to comb through Zander's hair as he had been before, "I don't want to be cutting it close on your curfew."

Zander mumbled, displaying discontentedness. He whined, "I don't wanna go," he further nuzzled into Jake's lap, "I'm comfortable here. And I'm tired. I don't wanna walk..."

"Well, if you're tired, wouldn't you wanna leave now, and get home as soon as possible?" Jake countered.

"No. I can just sleep here."

Jake chuckled at his boyfriend's words, "You wanna sleep at the park?"

Zander detorted, smiling into Jake's lap, "We have a blanket."

Humming, taking a few seconds to respond, Jake spoke, "I don't think your mom would be very happy if you slept at the park."

"Hmm, yeah, true," Zander agreed, acting as if he didn't already know this. With a brief moment of silence, the two boys just together, Zander then proposed, "Why not just ten more minutes?"

Listening to Zander's proposition, Jake sat in contemplation. "What about five?"

Zander took a moment to consider the counteroffer before concurring, "Deal."

Reaching agreement, Jake leaned back, using his arms to prop himself up, Zander remaining resting on top of him all the same. He closed his oak-colored eyes, eyelids resting, then taking a slow yet deep breath of the fresh outside air. With his eyes closed, he suddenly felt Zander's cold hand embrace his. He opened his eyes to see Zander looking up at him with big bright eyes.

The pianist not taking the lead in saying anything, Jake chuckled, "Your hand is cold."

Zander laughed, "My hands are always cold."

Zander's eyes then shifted down, him pulling up his other hand to lightly bite his nails. He quickly gazed back up. "I love you."

Jake smiled down at the smaller boy. "I love you too."

Giving Jake a small grin, Zander lay back down, sitting in his boyfriend's lap once more. So for the next five minutes of their lives, the couple sat with one another, just being together, in this beautiful night at the park.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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